Category Archives: Photos
Coffee and Tea (photo rally)
We have to represent the tea and coffee shops on campus so we decided to look on the campus for the conveniently located spots as well as the best place to have a coffee according to some Explore staff and students ! So here’s the list of all the places we went with a short description!
STIR IT UP COFFEE: Located in Buchanan A, this is the closest café to our class in Buchanan D.
TIM HORTON’S: Not that far, on your way to go to class if your night was short and you’re still sleepy the morning. It’s also our coordinator, Matthew’s favourite place to grab a coffee. Also, it is not very expensive: a small coffee and a donut for only $2.81!
BOULEVARD COFFEE: When you enter, it smells so good; this is a peaceful place where they roast their own coffee beans. The ambiance is there! This is Ivo’s choice when he wants a good coffee!
BLUE CHIP COOKIE: This sweet place is situated in the SUB so very close to the classrooms, it is not expensive. For $3.00 you can have a muffin and coffee! Laura and Deborah’s recommendation!
STARBUCKS: Conviently located in the bookstore, if you want STARBUCKS coffee this is the place to go!
IKE’S CAFÉ: In the Irving K. Barber Center. It’s expensive but at least you are close to the computer lab!
THE LITTLE TEA SHOP: This is THE place to go if you want to have a good cup of tea! The bubble tea is MUST try !
MILANO COFFEE: Another place where it could be good to have a coffee and if Tim’s is too busy it is close so it is the place to go!
By Marie-Ève N.and Catherine L.
Construction (photo rally)
Construction is a part of the University of British Columbia. That’s why we decided to show you a part of the campus renewal project. Our theme, construction, can mean a lot of things. The first thing we think about is building construction, but we can build many other things. We thought about this question while we were taking the pictures. What about self construction when learning a new language like English? Sometimes, you can feel lost, or alone inside when you are on the campus and you are also physically lost and alone because of all the construction! This can lead to feelings of confusion and existential questions like “what am I doing here?” Well, we have though about our questions and maybe we have the answer. Look at our pictures and you will probably find your way through the construction on the campus and maybe your identity as well!
By Marie-Eve C. and Sarah
Flora (photo rally)
For our photo rally, we juxtaposed some of the natural floral beauty of UBC with scenes of human interaction. Flowers are with us at all times during our lives and serve to accentuate times of great joy, sadness or any mood in between. Some are more highly prized than others, but any flower can perform its primordial duty of adding beauty to the world. We see flowers at graduations, memorials, weddings and other momentous occasions. Even the image of a flower on a dress is enough to brighten up an otherwise dreary day. Though we initially started our journey looking for examples of beautiful flora, we quickly noticed the myriad of ways that flowers could be and were being used functionally on campus. And if they were only decorative, we found fun ways to incorporate both ourselves and the flowers in amusing ways. The pictures you see aren’t in any particular order, but neither was our search. The most important aspect of the project for us was to have a swell time.
3621 – taking a picture avec notre première fleur: our monitor Laura and her flowery dress
3524 – nous faisons la danse québécoise
3631 – on a pris une photo avec une finissante de UBC et son beau bouquet
PAR Mohamed, Paul and Diana
Classe 3 – Claudia, Stéphanie, Deborah (M. et Mme Muscles)
Biographies reçues:
Osama vient de Toronto qui n’est pas une ville verte. S’il nous disait son talent secret, ce ne serait plus un secret. Puis, son moment préféré est de rencontrer de nouveaux amis, particulièrement les étudiants francophones. L’animal avec lequel il s’identifie le plus est le dauphin parce qu’il est sociable, génial et intelligent.
Tasfia vient de Toronto où c’est très métropolitain et il y a une grande densité de population. Mais Vancouver est très belle avec sa verdure. Aussi, les personnes qui habitent ici sont très gentilles. Tasfia aime peindre sur des toiles. Jusqu’à maintenant son moment préféré était lorsqu’elle est allée en croisière sur English Bay. L’animal à qui elle s’identifie le plus est la tigresse, car elle est très têtue mais sociable et gentille. De plus, elle a besoin d’espace pour respirer. Et finalement elle aime beaucoup ses amis, ainsi que sa famille avec qui elle est très proche.
Anya vient de Montréal, une ville plus occupée et moins chère qu’ici. En revanche, Vancouver est une ville plus propre et les paysages sont plus beaux. Un de ses passe-temps est de dessiner puisque c’est une activité relaxante. Voilà pourquoi le chat est son animal préféré, car il est un animal détendu. Enfin, son meilleur moment à Explore est lorsqu’elle a avancé d’un niveau.
Paul est un monsieur très sympathique qui vient de Windsor, Ontario, une petite ville où il fait très chaud en été. Cependant, Paul est quand même unique. Il sait faire du tir à l’arc, et peut être un très bon hôte pour des concours de trivia. Il a vraiment apprécié la croisière sur l’Abitibi. Et il a hâte aux prochaines semaines qui restent. Il aimerait avoir un ocelot, parce qu’ils sont très fascinants.
Je vais vous présenter monsieur Kent, né à Ottawa, Ontario et qui pense, évidement, que Vancouver est plus beau qu’Ottawa; il a également remarqué qu’il pleut souvent à Vancouver. Son talent spécial est de terminer rapidement les questionnaires. Il est content d’avoir mangé son dîner après qu’il ait monté les escaliers. Il croit que les gens le voient comme un mélange d’ours et de pygargues à tête blanche parce qu’il est poilu partout sauf sur la tête.
Sharrae vit à Toronto, une ville plus animée que Vancouver. Elle trouve qu’ici il y a de meilleurs restaurants. Deuxièmement elle est douée dans le théâtre. Par ailleurs, elle aime la nature puisque son meilleur moment à Explore était l’excursion à Lynn Canyon. Finalement, son animal préféré est le lion, car son nom est Lyon.
Danielle vient d’Ottawa. Elle trouve que Vancouver est très différent car c’est plus grand et moins chaud qu’à Ottawa. Elle sait presque jongler…de plus, son moment préféré à Explore c’est quand elle s’est fait de nouveaux amis et elle a adoré les activités. Finalement elle s’identifie soit à un singe soit au « ligre ».
Hui vient de Burnaby. Le moment d’Explore qu’elle a préféré c’est lorsqu’il y a eu une dégustation de fromage. Cette fille est très logique et elle croit que c’est son talent caché. Elle s’identifie aux oiseaux parce qu’elle adore être libre et être heureuse.
Diane vient de Toronto. Elle trouve qu’à Vancouver il pleut toujours, mais que c’est une ville très propre. Selon elle, elle n’a pas de talent secret. Par contre, elle dessine très bien. De plus, elle adore tout d’Explore. Cette jeune femme ne sait pas à quel animal s’identifier, mais son ami croit qu’elle est comme l’hippopotame.
Arthur vient d’Ottawa. Il trouve que Vancouver est une ville plus naturelle que celle d’Ottawa. Il a la capacité de pouvoir mémoriser des choses rapidement. De plus, il est un garçon très travaillant et sportif. Par ailleurs, ses meilleurs moments à Explore ont été la croisière de bienvenue ainsi que les classes. Finalement, son animal préféré est le cheval.
Carrie vient de Montréal; et elle aime Vancouver parce qu’il y a des montagnes qui ressemblent à des volcans. Son secret et qu’elle peut bouger juste son doigt du pied le plus petit. Son moment préféré est d’aller à la plage de nudiste et elle s’identifie au panda.
Kaelyn vient de Winnipeg, une ville plus petite que Vancouver. Elle joue du ukulélé et elle adore toutes les activités d’Explore ainsi que tous les gens qu’elle a rencontrées. Finalement, son animal préféré est le pingouin.
Mohamed vient de Montréal. Il trouve que Vancouver est plus beau et plus calme que Montréal. De plus, son activité préférée à Vancouver a été l’activité de rallye photo. Finalement, l’animal à qui il s’identifie est un ours parce qu’ils sont calmes et grands.
Carolyn and Whitney’s classes – (bouncers and fancy moustaches)
Marie-Laurence is from Trois-Rivières. She thinks Vancouver is much more earth-friendly, and people are more respectful of pedestrians. Her secret talent is that she can sing all of Justin Bieber’s songs. Her favourite Explore moment was being at the top of Whistler Mountain, she thought the view was fabulous and the sun was shining bright. She identifies herself with a parrot because they both talk a lot and she likes tropical countries.
Noémie is from Sherbrooke. She thinks Vancouver is a much bigger city and is much greener. She doesn’t think she has a secret talent. Her favourite Explore moment was having hot chocolate on top of Whistler Mountain; she thought the view was really amazing. She identifies herself with small monkeys because they are both cute and kind, but can also be mischievous.
Florence is from Montreal, Quebec. She thinks Vancouver is greener and the bus service is better. She says she doesn’t have any secret talents, but she can text on her phone without looking at it. Her favourite Explore moment was the Peak 2 Peak on Saturday. It was amazing. The landscape was unbelievable. She would identify herself with a parrot because they have a lot of liberty and freedom. Also, they are colorful like her personality, because she is very dynamic and always smiling.
Alexandra B. is from Chicoutimi, and thinks that Vancouver is bigger and has better public transportation. Her secret talent is that she can imitate Gollum from the Lord of the Rings. Her favourite Explore moment was being at the top of Whistler mountain. She identifies herself with the squirrel from Ice Age, because they both do many crazy facial expressions.
Marie-Eve originates from St. Cyrille de Wendoven. The town is close to Drummondville. Her secret talent is she can create noise with her ear by just placing her hands over her ears. Her favourite moment in Explore was Whistler, because she enjoyed hiking on Whistler Mountain. An unforgettable experience was when she saw a bear with her friends on Whistler Mountain. She would identify herself with a bird because she enjoys travelling.
Rémi comes from Rivière-du-Loup. He says that the view of the mountains around Vancouver is amazingly wonderful. His favourite moment during Explore was when he went bungee jumping. He identifies himself with a wolf because he thinks family and friends are very important, and he knows how to work with and respect other people.
Juan Carlos comes from Colombia, and says Vancouver is very different. He says his secret talent is his creativity. His favourite part of Explore was the fishing activity and the outdoor activities in general. He identifies himself with a lion because they are both strong and smart and have good leadership skills.
Alla is from Montreal. He thinks Vancouver is greener than Montreal and this city has a beach. But, he prefers Montreal’s weather. He doesn’t want to say his secret talent. His favourite moment in Explore was in Whistler, especially Peak 2 Peak on Saturday. He identifies himself with a fish because he loves water and being free.
Marie-Pier is from Trois-Rivières, a town with a lot less attraction than Vancouver. She is an ambitious individual whose favourite Explore moments have been hanging out with her friends in a café. She identifies herself with a penguin because they face the harsh winter every year and likewise, she is able to face difficult situations in life.
Anne-Josée is from Quebec City. She says it is a smaller city than Vancouver, and unfortunately there is no beach or mountains, but the weather is warmer during spring. Vancouver is way more multicultural than Quebec City. Her favourite part of Explore was watching the sunset on the beach and discovering new places in the city. She identifies herself with a cat because she can be both very independent and warm. She likes to receive attention, but only when she decides to.
Catherine L. comes from Drummondville, I would say that the biggest difference is how multicultural this city is. And how you just have to take a quick look by the window to notice how unique this place is. She loves dancing, but she doesn’t think that is a secret talent because everyone knows it. Her favourite moment of Explore was simply laughing with her wonderful Explore friends. She identifies herself with a cat because people tell her she moves like a cat and she loves to get attention, but only when she wants to.
Damien comes from Montreal. He thinks Vancouverites are way more relaxed than Montrealers. They are also more in shape. His secret talent is that he knows the first 100 numbers of pi by heart. His favourite Explore moment was mountain biking in Whistler. He thinks it is one of the best activities you can do there. He identifies himself with a fox because they are both clever, and always ready to party.
Myriam prefers Vancouver in contrast from her hometown because here there are lots of beaches and the landscape is amazing. She can pack a lot of clothes in a really small bag, that’s her secret talent. In Explore, her favourite moment was in Ucluelet because she loved the cruises. She identifies herself with the chameleon because she can deal with different situations.
Stéfanie is from the south shore of Montreal. She says the weather is much better there. On the other hand, she says Vancouver is more relaxed. Her secret talent is that she can spin her hands 360 degrees. Her favourite Explore moment was doing the Peak 2 Peak at Whistler. She identifies herself with a lion because she protects her family and her hair is like a lion’s mane.
Roberta comes from Brazil. She thinks Vancouver is a beautiful city, like her hometown (Rio de Janeiro). Her secret talent is her concentration. Her favourite moment in Explore was the Lookout Tower, she loved being able to see the entire city. She identifies herself with dogs because she thinks they are friendly.
Diego comes from Montreal. He thinks Vancouver is greener and people are more relaxed here. His secret talent is helping other people. His favourite part of Explore was having a lot of activities to do, and the trip to Whistler. He identifies himself with a panther because he considers himself a reserved and careful person.
Karen and Richard’s class – (waiting for the bus)
Student bios received:
Loftie lives in Gatineau, Québec. It is different than his hometown because the climate and vegetation are a lot different. It rains a lot in Vancouver and there is a lot of greenery. The climate is always wet and humid. Lofti doesn’t know what his secret talent is, but he has had a lot of good moments in Vancouver. Lofti would like to be a cat because they love to eat, relax and run around in nature.
Orphée is from Montreal and she finds it interesting that people here wait for the green light to cross the road. Her secret talent is that she can make grumpy people smile. In addition, her favourite Explore moment involves the mechanical bull at the Bourbon. She is not able to identify herself with an animal because she is so unique!
Mari-Pier comes from St-Félix-de-Valois which is an hour away from Montreal. Vancouver is very different from her hometown where there’s not much to do. However, both places are pretty green because they have been composting for several years.
Ariane is from Vallée-Jonction, a small town of only 1900 inhabitants, which is very different from Vancouver. Her favourite Explore moment was doing Peak 2 Peak at Whistler because she got to experience the amazing view. She is secretly a perfectionist and identifies herself with a cute bird because she has always wanted to be able to fly.
Félix is from a suburb of Montréal in Québec. He finds a lot of things to be different in Vancouver, like the weather, the ecology and the language. He is secretly a superhero called Flexxx and his favourite moment is when he went to Whistler. He identifies himself with a bear because he also loves honey. *
Justine is from Québec City. Vancouver is comparatively larger. Her secret talents are gymnastics and cheerleading. Her favourite Explore moment was the Peak to Peak in Whistler. In addition, she enjoyed going to the beach and downtown. She considers herself to be a monkey because she loves to climb and run.
François-Xavier, also called F.X., lives in Québec and he likes Vancouver because it is more open-minded. His secret talent is love… he’ll let you interpret that on your own… F.X. identifies himself with a lizard because he is always basking in the sun.
Chalalah is from Portneuf, a small town in the suburbs of Québec. The big difference between Vancouver and Portneuf is that Portneuf is a small town in the countryside while Vancouver is a big city. Her secret talent is unknown at the moment and her favourite memory in Explore was the cruise. Lastly, she compares herself to a chameleon because she is a reserved person.
Carolina is from Sherbrooke, Québec, but is originally from Peru. Compared to Sherbrooke, Vancouver is a much bigger city with more activities to do, and has an amazing landscape with its harmony of the sea, mountains, and nature. Her secret talent is that she is a good listener and she has most enjoyed the activities that involve exploring the city and becoming familiar with Vancouver culture. She identifies herself with a dragon because it is a mythological animal that is found in the Chinese zodiac calendar.
Gabrielle is from Gatineau, Québec. In her opinion, Vancouver is a bigger city than Gatineau. Her secret talent is that she plays the piano. Her favourite moment at Explore was the Whistler trip because she enjoyed the Peak to Peak activity. She views herself as an octopus because she is organized and capable of multitasking.
Richard and Karen’s class – (zombies)
Student bios received:
Sarah is from Trois-Rivières, Québec, and finds that Vancouver has many nice landscapes. She doesn’t have any secret talent (she thinks) and her favourite Explore moment was going to Whistler. She identifies with the cat, because she alternates between being lazy and energetic.
Alexandra is from Rivière-du-loup, Quebec. She finds Vancouver beautiful because it has nature elements like more trees, flowers, etc. She doesn’t want to reveal her secret because then it wouldn’t be a secret! Her favourite part of the program so far has been the Whistler getaway, however she thought it was too short. If she had to pick one animal to represent herself it would be a horse because she likes to be outside and run around.
Laurence is from Montréal, which is louder and less green than Vancouver. Her secret talent is singing and her favourite moments in Explore are those when she’s laughing with her girlfriends. Also, Laurence identifies herself with a bear because she is strong and scary!
Audrey is from Montreal. She finds the Vancouver landscape amazing, particularly the trees and mountains. Her secret talent is singing, and her favourite Explore moment was seeing whales in Victoria. She identifies herself with a wolf because she values and is very close with her family.
Lorina comes from Québec and lives in St. Nicolas. She likes to draw and this is her secret talent. Lorina’s favourite Explore moment was when she went to the top of the mountain. Finally, Lorina identifies herself with the chameleon because she is discreet and adapts quickly to changes.
Heather and Patricia’s class – (loving looks)
Student bios received:
Catherine C. is from Quebec, Lac St-Jean. Vancouver is different from her hometown because the buildings are bigger than those in Quebec. Here, there are a lot of activities and a lot of places to shop. She is able to draw and she is very flexible too. Her favourite Explore moment is when she did the Peak to Peak at Whistler, laser tag and photo rally. If Catherine were an animal, she would be a beaver, because the beaver works hard.
Catherine L. is from Sorel Tracy, Québec, where the weather is not as crazy as Vancouver’s, however Vancouver has a more amazing and wonderful landscape. Her favourite Explore moment was going to Lynn Canyon and jumping in the water. She also enjoyed the Whistler and Victoria trips. Her favourite animal is a dog because she is always happy and often lazy.
Sabrina lives in Quebec, a very small city compared to Vancouver. However, the weather in Vancouver is not as good as the weather in Quebec. She doesn’t have a secret talent. She enjoyed her time at Whistler, especially the bungee jumping. She identifies herself with any animal that lives in the water.
Laura is from Montréal. She finds that Vancouver is much more beautiful. She wants to keep her secret talent secret. Laura also finds that her favourite Explore moment was at Whistler where she participated in many activities. She considers herself like a cat because she enjoys being alone.
Patricia and Heather’s class – (conducting an orchestra)
Student bios received:
Aurélie is from Longueuil, Quebec and she finds that the only difference between Vancouver and Longueuil is that there is more rain in Vancouver. Her secret talent is that she can belly dance and her favourite moment in Explore is… all the time she has spent with her friends. She compares herself to a cat because they share the same eye colour.
Genevieve is from St-Charles-de-Bellechasse, and she thinks Vancouver is the most clean city she has visited in her life. First, her secret talent is singing. She really loves to sing. Second, her favourite Explore moment was Whistler; that was a very nice trip. The view was amazing and bungee jumping was crazy! Finally, she identifies with a cat because the cat is very shy. But once you get to know it, it can be very nice.
Marie-Joëlle is from Sorel-Tracy, a city smaller than Vancouver. She’s able to move her ears but it’s a secret talent. Ssh! Her favourite activity at Explore was the paddling. She loves also birds because they symbolize freedom.
Ellen comes from Victoria but she is Chinese. She likes Vancouver because she loves this warm weather. She thinks Vancouver is a beautiful city. Her secret talent is that she can sing and her favourite moment in Explore was when she visited English Bay. She identifies as a lion because she has a strong heart and a strong mind.
Valérie is from Québec City, and finds that Vancouver is bigger and has more people than her hometown. Her secret talent is dancing, which she began to practice when she was young. Her favourite Explore moment? Well, there are many, but she particularly liked Lynn Canyon. She identifies with the jaguar because she is patient, and likes to observe others in order to get to know the good ones.