Top 10 things to bring to Vancouver

1)      Alcohol – the best social and language lubricant

2)      Peanut butter and nutella – on bread, on fruit, and straight from the jar.

3)      Umbrella – please meet my new best friend: umbrella.

4)      Camera – a necessity for wreck beach.

5)      Rain boots and coat – please meet my two other friends.

6)      5 pieces d’identités – pour aller à la garderie.

7)      Carte de credit – si tu ne veux pas seulement manger du beurre de peanut.

8)      Un téléphone intelligent – pour ne pas te perdre.

9)      Maillot de bain – même si ce ne sera pas utile sur wreck beach, il y a tants d’autres plages à Vancouver.

10)   Vétements chic – si vous voulez aller en boîte de nuit apportez-les, ce sera fantastique.

By Vanessa, Catherine, Christine and Geneviève

How to Make Friends in Vancouver

1)      Drink! À la santé!

2)      Although George Clooney is a cool guy – we want to get to know you, not someone you’re not.

3)      Leave your mancave at home- you’re here to socialize!

4)      To avoid boredom, participate in activities – there’s something every night.

5)      Don’t take yourself too seriously – we’re not laughing at you, we’re laughing about you.

6)      Wear deodorant. Please.

7)       All you can eat sushi competitions!

8)      “Oh, that was your toothbrush? I may as well introduce myself.” – take every opportunity.

9)      Don’t go overboard with your drinking – we’re not your babysitters!

10)   Find common interests – someone here has to be as weird as you!

By Diane, Danielle, David and Andres

Where/How to Make Friends in Explore

10. Airport: “Want to share a cab?”

9. Being friendly: “ Hey, what’s your name? Where are you from? What program are you in?”

8. Participating in activities: “Where do you register?”

7.Jacques Cartier Facebook: “One mutual friend”

6. Classroom: “What did the teacher just say?”

5. Kitchen: “Where’s the oven?”

4. Laundry Room: “How do these machines work? Why are my clothes still wet?”

3. Common Room: “Want to play beer pong?”

2. Bathroom: Boys “Why are there only female bathrooms?”

                          Girls: “Do you have a blow dryer?”

1. Sockwars: “Are you ______? You’re dead! Now let’s be friends J

By Alanna, Roxanne and Philippe

Survival Guide

10. You want to get off campus? No problem! You can take the bus to go anywhere. But don’t forget to pay for your ticket!

9. Tu es un peu perdu à UBC? Reste calme! Procure-toi une carte du site et fais une chasse au trésors.

8. You’re looking for a bank so you can pay for your activities? You can find an ATM in the SUB. Don’t forget your map, it’s important for surviving on campus!

7. Tu te demande comment faire pour te déplacer sur le campus? C’est très facile! Tu dois marcher. J’espère que tu as de bons souliers!

6. You need some help? Don’t panic! All the monitors are there for you. But you have to find them on the campus first. You can also try the front desk or ask tourists on the campus.

5. You need some coffee? I have the solution! There are many cafés on campus. In the SUB, in the bookstore, in the village…Cafés are the easiest thing to find on campus. Bring a map!

4. You want to move more? I have what you need! The most popular sport on campus is to run in the rain!

3. Tu as besoin de trouver l’endroit le plus pratique d’acheter quoi que ce soit sur le campus? Je sais où aller! Tu peux tout trouver au SUB….même un ami.

2. You want to eat somewhere nice? I know where! In the village there are many options. If you like asian food you’ll like it. If not, I’m sorry, that’s all we have to offer you.

1. Tu te demande comment survivre avec peu de choses dans ta résidence? Ne panique pas! Vérifie que tout fonctionne. Sinon, tu vas devoir te trouver des trucs!

By Roberta, Kaelyn and Marie-Eve

Top 10 things to bring to UBC

TOP 10 things to bring to UBC :

Because of the Temperature ?

1. Umbrella : for obvious reasons; 100% chance of precipitation -100% of the time

2. Raincoat : the official UBC uniform

3. Camera : had better be waterproof

4. Sunglasses : only for style (you’ll never need it). It’s probably better to bring rainglasses!

5. Hair dryer: preferably portable : you’ll need it almost every time you go outside!

For the kitchen ?

6. Toaster : Unless you want to be late to class because of the line up in front of the toaster

7. Dishes : Unless you want to use a napkin

8. Empty Bottle: Because the water here is more expensive than coke!

9. Peanut butter: a good source of proteine for breakfast, lunch and dinner

Another thing …

10. Gas Mask: because the beach is not polluted at all!

by Marie-Ève N. and Makrham