Final Project

It’s finally here!  I’ve managed to finish my very first podcast.  Let’s just say I’d call it a work in progress.  In keeping with my self-appointed goal for this course, I tried another new-to-me tool to create this podcast:  Audacity.  It proved to be fairly intuitive and a lot of fun to use.  The sound within the different components of my recording was a little inconsistent, but I attribute that to the fact that I’ve never actually created a podcast before so I’m still learning how to set up the microphone and use the gain and volume settings on it as well.

Podcasting:  The Process

As expected, this podcast required quite a lot of prior planning.  I first needed to sketch out my idea and determine whether it was doable within the scope of a 10-minute podcast.  When those ideas were well on the way, I created a script for most of the podcast, but left my conversation with my daughter free-flowing and unscripted.  I found another app (TwoTone) to create an introduction and some music to start the podcast, but the rest was was completed on Audacity.

Generating Ideas – 7.2:  Digital Literacy

As I reread the course notes and some of the assigned readings, the paragraph below from from section 7.2: Digital Literacy from within our course readings initially sparked my idea for the final project.  (I believe I might have erroneously said “7.1” within the podcast; it should be 7.2):

Unlike critics such as Tapscott and Prensky, Dobson and Willinsky do not define digital literacy as a revolution in literacy practices resulting in rifts between those “in the know” and those left behind. Rather, they see the onset of digital literacy as an evolution, taking place—with both continuities and extensions of traditional print-literacy practices—more in line with Bolter’s idea of remediation, or McLuhan’s idea that the content of any new medium is an older medium. Digital literacy is not positioned as standing in opposition to print; it is part of a continuum in technologies for knowledge diffusion across which we can observe signs of the remaking of old relationships under new conditions of digital and global, networked cultures.

With a rough idea in place, I had to make sure my ideas were situated within literature that related to this course.  This part of the task was fantastic!  Because the task was so open-ended, I felt I had more freedom not only to explore literature that related to what we’ve learned within the course, but I was also able to look at ideas and literature that pushed the boundaries of what I’d learned thus far in ETEC 540.  What’s interesting to note though, is that in examining current technologies and how the meaning of a message can be conveyed and perceived differently based on media selection, it was only through digging into the past, that my project idea finally began to take shape.

Hinted at in our course notes above, McLuhan and his “the medium is the message”  supposition from Chapter 1 in Understanding Media: The extensions of Man contributed to the starting point for my project.  In addition though, throughout the course, we’ve looked at the evolution of text technologies and how humans have responded accordingly to these changes and advances in technologies.  I was particularly interested in how the message we are trying to convey might change depending on the type of technology we choose to use to communicate the message in the first place.  This idea lead me to the “Father of Information Theory”, Claude Shannon and his 1948 paper, A Mathematical Theory of Communication.  Shannon was particularly interested in how the meaning of a message can be lost or misconstrued when “noise” interrupts a message’s signal as it is transmitted from its source to its receiver.  This is *exactly* what I was interested in, but on a much smaller scale.

Putting it Together

I decided I would examine the use of the following modes of communication to determine how the meaning of a message is affected by the use of a particular medium:  oral-based instructions, text, cursive writing, emoji, and sonification.  I used the image below (from the 2019 film, The Bit Player, documenting Claude Shannon’s life and the modern-day effects of his Information Theory) to guide me through my project. My idea was to take information (a message or instructions) and communicate it to my daughter, Carys.  However, I wanted to see how the noise (my daughter’s brain) interferes with the message depending on how I chose to communicate the message.

Image from The Bit Player film depicting Claude Shannon's information theory
Image taken from The Bit Player (available on Amazon Prime). Image courtesy of Levinson, 2019


My daughter, Carys, has a learning disability.  She has difficulty processing text-based tasks (whether that’s putting her ideas down on paper, or decoding words and processing text-based tasks).  Through examining different modes of communication with my daughter who has known difficulties with processing text tasks, I was hoping to determine whether meaning can become misconstrued if the communication mode wasn’t a good ‘fit’.

The Podcast

Here it is: the final product and my final project.  Thanks for listening!  References are below the podcast.


Bolter, J. D. (2001). Writing space: Computers, hypertext, and the remediation of print (2nd ed.). Mahwah, N.J: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. doi:10.4324/9781410600110
Collins, G. P. (2002). Claude E. Shannon: Founder of Information Theory. Scientific American.
Horgan, J.  (2016 ). Claude Shannon: Tinkerer, Prankster, and Father of Information Theory – IEEE Spectrum. IEEE Spectrum: Technology, Engineering, and Science News. Retrieved August 10, 2020, from
Levinson, M. (2019). The Bit Player. Prime Video.
McLuhan, M. (2001 [1964]). Understanding Media: The extensions of man. Taylor & Francis Group. Retrieved from:
Shannon, C. E. (1948). A Mathematical Theory of Communication. M The Bell System Technical Journal, 27, 55.  Retrieved from:
Soni, J., & Goodman, R. (2017). Betty Shannon, Unsung Mathematical Genius—Scientific American Blog Network. Scientific America.
The New London Group.  (1996). A pedagogy of multiliteracies: Designing social futures. (Links to an external site.)  Harvard Educational Review 66(1), 60-92.

Linking Assignment: Task 5 – Twine Task

Image of two wedding rings
Image by MasterTux from Pixabay

For Task #5 (Twine Task), I’ve chosen to link to Norah Smith’s, Wedding Bells’ task.   I must admit, I thought my journey through Norah’s task was going to be something along the lines of following a bride-to-be on her journey of becoming engaged, planning her wedding, and the actual ceremony.  Ha!  Instead, despite my best efforts, I always ended up in Florida celebrating the wedding with the bride and groom.  At one point, I’m placed at a table with all the other outcasts at the wedding, but apparently the bartender and I have a great time.  I take a trip to Vegas, then Muskoka; I choose to take shrooms (or not) and somehow manage to always end up in Florida.  (Which for some reason has now become synonymous in my mind with Trump….).

Norah’s simple Wedding Bells Twine pokes fun at all the stereotypical nuisances associated with weddings.  (I’ve certainly been privileged to have been a part of many, many weddings….).  I laughed at the fact that I ultimately always ended up in Florida (even though I kept clicking on “NO”!).  Like Norah, this was also my first attempt at using Twine so I’m still learning all of its ins and outs, but though I felt I learned an awful lot, I wasn’t able to figure out how to add the ‘go back’ option Norah added to hers.  That was pretty helpful and awfully kind…it allowed me to keep making terrible decisions and encouraged me to try all possible paths to increase the likelihood that THIS time, I could make my life even MORE miserable.  😉

Norah’s Twine design was quite clean and simple:  white text on a black background, blue links for the options.  It was super easy to navigate and had a more or less predictable narrative structure.  Though there weren’t any images included in her Twine, I didn’t necessarily think this was a shortcoming.  I suppose possibly including some tacky images of Florida or Vegas might’ve added more humour, but I don’t think it was necessary.  I think her Twine game did well as a simple, straightforward experience.


In terms of Norah’s WordPress design, it was fairly easy to navigate though I found the menu a bit challenging to work with.  (Perhaps it was Firefox causing the issue).  Additionally, I am not a huge fan of having to click on links to download documents from websites; I would rather those links load a different page/tab of the website within my browser rather than downloading PDFs to my computer.  That’s a personal preference, but I did find it a bit cumbersome when reading through her linking assignment responses.  Not a big deal I suppose because my main emphasis when I dropped by her site were her tasks rather than her linking assignment responses, however, I thought it important to dive into and examine the site as a whole.  I think I would prefer a more seamless, cleaner WordPress theme that displays content in chronological easy-to-navigate ‘image cards’ rather than what I experienced when first visiting the site.  But again, this all comes down to personal preference (and I could be showing my age!):  I was still able to find everything I was looking for so overall, my experience on Norah’s blog site was ok!

Twine Context

When I arrived at Norah’s Twine task on her blog site, I was looking for the context in which she’d situated her task (such as Bush’s Memex thought experiment), but I only managed to find the link to her Twine .zip file.  I think Norah might’ve missed an opportunity to compare and contrast her chosen theme/story for Twine with just how far we’ve come since Bush first published his Memex ideas in the mid 20th century.  In fact, I think, given her chosen topic, she might’ve been able to add a lot of humour if she’d added a bit of a description to her task and prepped her audience a bit.  Providing context wouldn’t have given anything away, rather I think it might have strengthened the overall user experience and made it more engaging and informative.

So, why did I choose to compare and contrast Norah’s Twine task with mine?  Because they were quite different, really.  My task was meandering and (intentionally) contained a few false starts; I tried to push the task to the limits given the time constraints I had during that particular week, whereas, Norah kept her task clean, simple, and miserable (wonderful!).  😉  I deliberately chose someone whose blog site and Twine task differed from mine to determine whether I can improve my site and Twine game the next time ’round.  Overall, I’m pretty satisfied with what I came up with (it was quite silly though), but I think there is merit to simplicity as well-especially when you are learning a new tool for the first time.  Additionally, Norah chose a different WordPress theme than me and it gave me a few insights into my preferences for specific components of UX and site design.  After completing the User Inyerface activity later in the course, I can honestly say I have started to pay closer attention to site design and am really beginning to notice the bits and pieces that trip me up on a website.

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