Text and Tech HomePage

Hi There!

Who am I?  That’s a long (and perhaps boring) story, but essentially, I’m a learner, teacher, mom, wife, daughter and sister (and aunt-I can’t forget that!).  In a former life a very long time ago, I was a competitive soccer player, but I now primarily use my soccer skills for the coaching side of things rather than on the field (though I’ve been known to knock a ball about on occasion).  

Every time I unequivocally declare that THIS is the last post-grad program I’m going to take, I keep finding something else I’d like to learn and end up registering for another program of one sort or another; the MET program marks my first attempt at achieving my Master’s though and I don’t think I’ll move beyond that.  (I hope one day to transform my Minor in English to a degree, but that’s way off in the future).

So, where am I in terms of my progress in the MET program thus far?  No one is more surprised than me to say I’m currently enrolled in my 7th and 8th courses in the program.  This learning journey, though definitely not easy (cramming all the coursework/readings in between a full time job, family, and life in general), has really been enjoyable!

So why am I here (taking my Master’s)?  My goal is not only to apply what I’m learning here (by “here” I mean the MET program) to my job (whether I remain in EdTech or return to the classroom which I miss dearly), but also to integrate my new knowledge into my everyday life.  

Thanks for coming along on my MET journey with me!  Let’s see where the road takes us.

Image of a winding road in the fall

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