Linking Assignment: Task 4 – Potato Print

For task #4 (potato print), I’ve chosen to link to Šárka Kubelíkova’s Task #4 -Potato Prints’ task.  I reviewed a number of other posts about the potato printing process, but I returned to Šárka’s because of the contrast between her process and mine.
The potato print task, to me, was all about the process.  Yes, we had to (hopefully) complete the task in the end, but the journey and process associated with this task is where the learning occurred for me.  It allowed me to briefly step back in time and step inside the shoes of someone navigating a similar task, day in and day out, at some point in the past.  I had a rough plan of how I would tackle the task (I’ve never tackled a potato before, but I can add that to my list of accomplishments, I suppose).  After reviewing course material (and of course, forgetting one key video that would’ve saved me some time), I sketched out a design, practiced the lettering, grabbed my knife and started carving.
When I contrast my process and workflow to Šárka’s, however, I am struck by the precision with which Šárka describes her process and the methodical nature of her workflow as its described in her blog post.  For me, Šárka’s choice of the word, Yoshi, conjures up images of Japanese gardens, silence and tranquility:  quite the opposite of my carving experience.  If you’ve read my post, you’ll know my two kids were right there with me, knee-deep in potatoes, paint and paintbrushes.
Image of Sarka's potato stamp, "Yoshi"
Task 4: Sarka’s potato stamp final product.
An image of two copies of the word “Point” stamped on a yellow page using black paint and a potato
Task 4: Stamping the word “Point” with a potato

Differing Experiences and Course Design

As I near the end of my MET journey, I am trying to take more time to mull over the resources and tasks I’m assigned in each course.  Why this article?  Why this article at this point in the course?  Why this task?  And so, as I navigate my way through the assigned readings and tasks in ETEC 540, my approach is the same:  take time to mull.  I tend to complete the assigned readings/videos earlier in the week before attempting the corresponding task.  Through this process, I am trying to make sense of the readings and their applicability to the task as well:  Why have we been assigned this particular task in conjunction with particular readings or viewing(s) of videos?  I also want to make connections between what I’m learning and what I want to learn (in addition to how I might apply what I’m learning to my career).  I suppose if I was to describe my path through ETEC 540, I would suggest it’s a meandering one.  I’m allowing myself time to think, absorb, and reflect; but I’m also allowing myself to have more fun with this course.  Why not?  Learning new technology and applying the skills I am learning in ETEC 540 does not mean that it must be pure academe all the time, does it?  Surely not!  So what caught my attention when reviewing Šárka’s Potato Print task was its conciseness, its precision, and its detail.  From the type of paint and potato selected to the length of time it took to print one letter; nothing seemed to be missing!  No event unrecorded.  It reminded me of my undergraduate years as a Microbiology student, first in Maine and then in Ontario.  Šárka’s potato print task was similar to experiments I’ve performed in years past: there was a defined and reproducible method presented to the reader and observations, results and a conclusion that were easy to identify.  In contrasting our two posts, what I really enjoy is the freedom ingrained in this task that allows us (students) to take the assignment in whatever direction feels right for us.  The constraints of this course, to me, aren’t nearly as rigid as that of other courses:  I was able to create a potato print with my kids on the weekend during a pandemic because it was a task in my course!  There is nothing quite like taking what I’ve been reading and putting it to good use (in this case, with a potato and some paint).  The fact that two such divergent experiences can be produced as a result of this task supports the importance of open-ended tasks and the possible final products students can produce if given permission to respond in a way that is meaningful to the student.
I was curious and read through some of Šárka’s other posts: Šárka also has a scientific background.  What’s interesting though, is the divergence between our two perspectives when completing this task.  I would align Šárka’s methodology closer to that of a traditional/natural scientist, whereas with my method could safely be compared to that of a field biologist (or kindergarten teacher-whatever makes more sense to you).  What I love about our two methods though, is the fact that we both brought our backgrounds (or schema) with us when completing the task.

The Authoring Tool:  WordPress

At first when I was looking for posts, I clicked directly on student posts from the links provided to us through Canvas.  However, once I started exploring different student’s blog spaces I spent more time exploring the sites themselves. Šárka’s is unique because it was the only site that (thus far) that required me to first enter details such as my email address in order to be permitted to make a comment.   Though it adds more time when commenting, had this site been open to the public, it would certainly help keep track of those wishing to comment (which is especially helpful if someone makes an inappropriate comment!).  I decided to keep my comments open for ease-of-use; I think I would continue to leave the comments open even if my site was available to the public since WordPress allows you to view and approve a comment prior to it becoming visible on one’s site.
I also chose to add a menu at the top of my WordPress site to help users navigate from one post to another, or from one post back to the main page, or to the linking assignment.  I created categories to divvy up the content as well and to keep different types of posts separated so they’ll be easy to find.  I found Šárka’s site a bit more confusing to navigate through.  Her first four tasks were categorized under one particular category, however, her most recent posts fell within the Uncategorized section of her course which made the site more challenging to follow.  The use of the course title, ETEC 540 also wasn’t intuitive to me: I didn’t realize that was where all the tasks would be organized.

Images and Text

Šárka’s use of images to support the text in her post is quite helpful in contributing to her storytelling process.  In particular, I found it helpful to see the various iterations of the stamped word, Yoshi, as Šárka experimented with paint and the amount of pressure applied to the potato.  Similar to the early image use suggested in Bolter’s (2001) Chapter 4 reading, Šárka’s images seem to be surrounded and kept in place by text; that is, the story being told within her blog post was told primarily through text, while images were used to support and enhance the story.  (This may also link back to the scientific process in which Šárka engaged throughout the potato task: the photos were part of her observations and results’ section).
Contrasting Šárka’s use of images to my own, my post contained just the one image of my duplicated print of the word, “Point”.  As I was working my way through this task, my thoughts were on the process and how I would describe this process primarily using text. Trying to reproduce the manual printing method as much as possible (and as close to the monks referred to in Harris’ (2018) How it Began podcast), the emphasis in my post was on the final product I produced rather than the method I took.  However, perhaps that was a mistake?  Would it have been better to have included the many missteps I took in order to achieve the final copy of my potato print and record everything for all to see?  Or, was it better to focus on the final product and discuss the process using only text?  I suppose the answer depends on the viewer’s perspective and what it is they are looking for.  When I look at Šárka’s site and the inclusion of images, I am able to see the entire crafting process behind creating one word and attempting to duplicate that word as best as possible: the reader is an active participant in Šárka’s creative process.  With my post, however, the image is as flawless as I could hope to achieve, but the text was used to describe the process: the reader becomes more of a passive participant.


Both sites make use of traditional literacy in the sense that one must be able to read the text in order to follow the post; and both posts, of course, rely on print-based literacy (we couldn’t have completed the task without knowing how to create prints on our potatoes!).
One must also have a certain level of competency with digital literacy in order to be able to navigate either site; however, I think one might need to be perhaps a bit more digitally literate to be able to find all the components on Šárka’s site.  Where we certainly diverge, is our reliance on images in our posts.  Through Šárka’s increased use of images for task #4, visual literacy becomes more important on her site than mine: her images are helping to tell her story.  Though I captured my print as a photo, it is still a text-based ‘image’ and so again, I think it still falls within the realm of traditional and print-based literacy.


Bolter, Jay David. (2001). Writing space: Computers, hypertext, and the remediation of print [2nd edition]. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Harris, B. (2018). The Printed Book: Opening the Floodgates of Knowledge – How It Began.

Task 1: What’s in My Bag?

An image of the contents of my bag (and the bag itself).
An image of my satchel and its contents. You’ll notice my dog’s paw in the lower left corner: I couldn’t manage to take a photo without Doug (the dog) inserting himself somehow.

Curating the Bag:  What’s in My Bag and Why Do I Need It?

In preparing for this task, I removed items related to COVID-19 (choosing instead to represent my day-to-day, pre-COVID reality (that I hope we can return to at some point in the future, but who knows?).
The items I carry around with me on a daily basis are, I think, pretty straightforward and rather unexciting (my wallet, chapstick, hair elastic and work ID, for example).  I keep the produce bags with me because I know if I don’t, I am likely to forget to bring them with me when I go grocery shopping (and though it’s a tiny gesture, I am trying not to use as much plastic).  I keep my phone with me most of the time in case anyone needs to contact me (especially the kids’ school); because my cell battery is unpredictable, I have to carry a charger as well.  The agenda/calendar and pens are to keep track of important dates, lists or to-do items.  I sometimes find the act of writing things down aids me in remembering important information, dates or upcoming tasks (rather than keeping track of everything on my phone/digitally); I keep a tiny clip to attach loose papers to my agenda (important receipts and so on).  The triangular box is for my prescription glasses/sunglasses (mostly so I can see street signs when the weather is terrible and/or at night).  In addition, I always keep a spare leash and waste bags for my dog in case we head out in the car and then decide to go for a walk somewhere while we’re out.
My bag is an over-the-shoulder satchel (with a cute owl-shaped hand sanitizer dispenser which I have carried for at least a decade because kids are messy!); I use a satchel because it can withstand being tossed about by the kids and being set down in all kinds of weather when we’re hiking, travelling, or visiting friends and family who have pets and kids, too.
Finally, as I was digging through my bag, I found a ticket to a Senators hockey game we attended with my in-laws in January.  It was fun to find this ticket because I believe it was one of the last ‘big’ events my husband and I attended without our kids before being quarantined.

Connection with Text

I’ll admit that for a year or two I tried to rely on my phone and other devices to keep track of important dates, lists, and tasks, but in the end, I still prefer writing everything down by hand; I keep at least one extra pen on hand in case the first one runs out (which inevitably happens the second I actually need to use it).  The mini clip helps me keep receipts and other small pieces of paper organized (again, keeping track of text!) and my work ID indicates to others at Algonquin who I am and where I fit in the overall organizational structure.  My glasses, of course, help me see text at a distance (especially in dark and grey weather conditions).
The fact that I kept the hockey ticket indicating the date, time and the cool seats we had shows the fun I had and how meaningful the evening was to me: my husband and I hadn’t had a chance to hang out with my in-laws without our kids in a very long time (the kids stayed with my parents for the evening).
I suppose looking at the items I curated (including the textiles I keep for grocery shopping), the items I keep with me indicate that I enjoy the task of writing (and it performs a function, too), that I am family/pet oriented (I always keep dog waste bags on hand!), and that I’m practical (my bag is from MEC and they can handle a lot of wear and tear before falling apart).

Text Technologies

Digitally speaking, my cell is nearly always with me (in my bag) in order for me to send quick texts to friends and family or in case the kids’ school needs to contact me; I use it for quick communication and at times, to check in on my courses while I’m on the go as well.
The hockey ticket was digitally printed (though we had copies of our tickets on our cells as well).  My work ID was also digitally printed at Algonquin on a computer linked to our employee database (to ensure I am who I say I am).
The agenda is an everyday item that I always keep on hand but I never thought of it as a text technology before; to me, it was simply a way to keep track of all the competing demands on my time.  However, now that I am reflecting on it, I think the agenda says an awful lot about how I process language and communication and organize my thoughts:  through writing!  I’ve always known that the act of writing (using a pen/pencil and paper) was important to me, but when I see the prominence this little book takes in my bag, I realize how important it is for me to have a place to write something down when and if necessary.  In fact, I feel quite lost without the ability to write something important down on a piece of paper.  I enjoy the act of writing things down, but I also enjoy the reflective process of reviewing the day’s tasks or looking ahead at what still needs to be done.
What stood out the most to me in my bag text technology-wise, were the produce bags.  Prior to starting this course last week, I would never have made the connection between text and textiles.  I wouldn’t have thought about the implications of text as weaving words like one would weave a tapestry (or….produce bags?).  I don’t regularly display the items in my bag to other people, so I also don’t regularly share the fact that I wander around with produce bags, either, but it’s quite neat to think that there is a very real connection between the little agenda I carry with me and the produce bags I haul around for trips to the grocery store; perhaps the textiles I carry communicate a message to me that I am trying to make a small difference and set a good example for my kids by making little changes here and there to reduce the amount of plastic I use daily.


I think the items in my bag indicate that both digital  and print-based literacies are meaningful and important to me. Perhaps these items also indicate that I prefer being connected to print-based modes of communication despite the fact that digital methods are readily available.

My Narrative

I would say the contents of my bag are a remarkably accurate representation of the image I believe I project outwardly.  I’m always wandering around with a notebook and pen or a book of some sort, my cell, and practical items (such as a hair elastic around my wrist or in my bag for when I need to put my hair up because it’s driving me crazy!).  I don’t tend to carry much other than what I need in my bag because I often have to fill my bag with my kids’ extra clothing, hats, sunscreen, and so on.
The biggest anomaly in my bag was probably the hockey ticket: we don’t often get to see NHL games (without the kids-where we sit way up in the nosebleeds), so that item definitely stands out among all the others in my bag.
If I were to reflect on what my bag would’ve looked like 15-25 years ago, I imagine my bag would’ve been smaller and it would have contained more hair elastics (I always lose them), many more random receipts stuffed in a pocket, my wallet, a pen, sunglasses and that’s it.  I bought my first cellphone in 2007 while I was living in a rural area and I kept it for emergencies only; I carried it with me, but rarely remembered to turn it on.  Without kids, my bag was much smaller (and did not contain sanitizer nor did it have any space to carry extra items).

An Archaeological Wonder!

An archaeologist stumbling upon my bag in the future would probably think I am community-minded with my produce bags, my hockey ticket supporting our local team, my dog waste bags (so others don’t have to clean up my dog’s mess) and the ID indicating that I work and live in the same community.  They may also be quite interested in my use of an agenda alongside my cell (but would find the items listed in my agenda quite dull so they would also probably understand I’m a mother, too).  I’m not certain that any of the items would say much more than that (other than perhaps the photo I keep of my grandma in my wallet which contains no text at all but is priceless nevertheless).

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