Meet the Team!

Comissioned through the University of British Columbia’s CBEL (Community-Based Experiential Learning) Program, as a part of the CIVL400: Construction Engineering and Management cirriculum, we are a team of five civil engineering students who are very excited to be a part of this project. Over the course of the next several weeks, we will be putting together a feasibility study for Vancouver Community College’s Sustainability and Environment department, investigating the possibility of constructing an on-campus community garden for their Broadway campus.

But before we go into too much detail, we’d like to take this opportunity to introduce our team:

Esmaeili, Bahareh

Bahareh Esmaeili is 26 years old, and was born in Shiraz, Iran. She hails from a city that is most famous for its wine, but ironically, does not like wine herself. She is an energetic person, who always likes to make everyone happy and enjoys every moment of her life. She is an Architect, and was in her second year of post-secondary study in Iran when her family moved to Vancouver two years ago. Since, she has decided to change her major to civil engineering, and will begin her Master’s in Project and Construction Management next semester. She is interested in including sustainable roles into construction projects, and plans to be a project manager who leads her projects in the most sustainable fashion. Bahareh loves to hike, be in nature and rainy weather – the major reasons she is living in Vancouver!

Macsporran, Fraser

Fraser Macsporran is 20 years old and currently in his third year of study in civil engineering. He is studying his third year at the University Of British Columbia, on a year exchange from the University Of Glasgow in Scotland. He is passionate about his chosen career path and eager to grow within the discipline. Fraser spends his summers working at a summer camp in Virginia, USA as a sailing and climbing instructor. In returning to the University Of Glasgow at the end of this term, he hopes to take with him the valuable lessons learned from a year spent abroad and continue to progress his personal and professional development in any way possible.

 Noël, Christina

Christina Noël is a third year environmental civil engineering student at UBC. Born and raised in Kamloops, BC, it was the Thompson Rivers University Annual Popsicle Stick Bridge Building Contest which initially inspired Christina to pursue civil engineering on a post-secondary level. After graduating in 2010, she completed her first year of studies at TRU, with their First Year Engineering Transfer Program, before transferring to UBC in September 2011. Inspired by a summer literally spent knee deep in a variety of landfills, Christina hopes to pursue a future career in solid waste management. In her spare time, Christina enjoys being involved with the UBC Civil Engineering Club, and volunteering with the Girl Guides of Canada organization as a Brownie Leader.

Peatt, Evan

Evan Peatt is a third year civil engineering student at UBC currently planning on specializing in structural applications. Originally reigning from Penticton, Evan spent his formative years at Penticton Secondary School where he played volleyball, performed music, cultivated beards, and learned a bit (he guesses). After high-school Evan spent a year studying at McGill before transferring to UBC, he proclaims the reason for this is that McGill doesn’t offer Co-op but insiders say the real reason is that he missed his mother. Evan is looking forward to finding creative, cost-effective, sustainable solutions to the design challenges that lie, ahead as-well-as working with, and enjoying the company of, his new group mates.

Wu, Hua

Hua Wu is a third year civil engineering student at UBC, hailing from China. His favourite sport is soccer and he is a big fan of Steven Gerard. In civil engineering, he is most interested in Structural Engineering and Fluid Mechanics, and isn’t fond of Materials related courses, because there is a lot to memorize. Since his first language is not English, he feels challenged studying out of his country.  His favourite type of ice cream is green tea and chocolate.

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