Daily Archives: January 29, 2013

And We’re Off!

On January 21, 2013, we held our first meeting with our client, Wendy Avis, head of the Vancouver Community College’s Environment and Sustainability Department. We met at the VCC Broadway Campus, where we were able to walk around and photograph the potential project site and discuss the details of the proposed project.

We have been asked to investigate, on behalf of the VCC Environmental Department, the possibility of building and maintaining a community garden on a slope at the south end of the VCC Broadway Campus. Our goal with this project is to create and administer a Feasibility Report, discussing the potential for a community garden at this location. (http://www.flickr.com/photos/93598295@N03/sets/72157632871274336/)

In the past few months, Vancouver Community College has put a big push on their environmental initiatives, striving to achieve a more sustainable campus. A community garden would not only prove beneficial to the student body and useful to those students looking for a cheap, safe area to grow a few extra veggies, but help take the school to a new level of environmental awareness.

Ideally, the garden would be used by VCC students, who would be able to rent plots for a reasonable rate either through a student society or through the school itself. Throughout our study, we will be investigating:

  • Who exactly would be permitted to use the garden space, who would be in charge of maintaining and renting the plots, and other rules and regulations that would need to be implemented in order to promote a clean, healthy space for all to use.
  • What range of interest there already exists amoung students at VCC. This will be achieved through the implementation of an open survey, which will be developed and delivered by our group members.
  • The potential cost of the project in the format of a detailed budget plan, taking into consideration landscaping costs, construction and labour costs, and material costs. We have been advised that this project, should it proceed, would be one of a limited budget, and thus should consider and suggest the most cost efficient solutions.
  • Any construction process details, based on the building materials and equipment that will be needed to complete the project. This will include creating a thorough construction timeline, materials inventory, and budget analysis.
  • Suggestions and recommendations regarding the best way to build, maintain, and operate the garden, as well as a list of the potential benefits from the establishment of a communal garden, and multiple design proposals.

We plan on working with a variety of different groups at VCC, and in the Vancouver area, to fully investigate our options and achieve our goals. This includes:

  • The Campus Cafeteria Manager, regarding the possibility of using food grown in the community garden in the cafeteria
  • The VCC Sustainable Food Club, who would potentially show a great interest in growing sustainable foods in the garden, as well as providing maintenance.
  • The VCC Student Union, who could potentially manage and monitor the garden.
  • The China Creek Housing Co-op (located directly beside the VCC Broadway Campus), regarding the success of their shared garden on the neighboring slope, as well as any suggestions and tips for success and cost efficiency. (http://www.flickr.com/photos/93598295@N03/sets/72157632866772477/)

At the end of the project, we will publish our findings in a Final Report, which will be submitted to the client, as well as to the course instructors. In addition to this report, we also plan on submitting computer-generated models representing a 3D image of the proposed garden. Wendy has agreed to provide site drawings in order for us to do this.

A more comprehensive list of what will be covered within the scope of this project will be detailed in the Terms of Reference. A Terms of Reference will be drawn up prior to February 7, 2013 and sent to the Client once the document has been approved by the class administrators.

We are very excited to see where this project takes us, and are enthusiastic about creating the most cost efficient and environmentally friendly solution possible!