
On February 13, 2013, Bahareh journeyed to VCC’s Broadway Campus to adminster a semi-spoken survey in order to assess the level of interest amoungst VCC students regarding an on-campus community garden. Due to lack of interest in answering the survey itself, fewer surveys were adminstered than originally expected. An adequate sample size was still acheived, however, with 28 people participating overall.

Of the people who were surveyed, it was found that staff were generally much more interested in, and supportive of, the idea. And although many of the students who agreed to respond to the survey were supportive of the idea, some rejected the proposal.

In our final report, we will address the data found more in-depth, and use the information to help create a final verdict regarding overall project feasability on the basis of public interest.

A copy of the survey questions can be found on the “Survey” page. The results of the survey will be released in more detail on this page soon.


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