Reflection on Class 18: meeting Sauder Alumni

I feel honor to attend class 18 in COMM101 to see the style of three perfect Sauder Alumni. They are great entrepreneurs. Paul Grill impressed me a lot. He dissatisfied with limited responsibilities early in his working life so he founded naked coconuts which sells coconut oil, coconut nectar and other amazing coconut products[1]. Eventually, running his own business turns out to be the most exciting thing that he has ever enjoyed. And the fund he got mostly comes from his savings as well as bank loan, which is so courageous. I always picture my future as working for someone else but Pual’s story gradually changes my mind.

Besides, I really like to talk about something on packaging which was also mentioned in the lecture but not that much. What I’m going to say meant no offence. The first time I saw naked coconuts’ products, the red packaging attracted my eyes, but the packaging hardly made me to associate the products with coconut since I thought they are health care products or medicines. As for SIP, it’s quite sensible to use white as the main color on packaging. White stands for pure, which is consistent with the idea that SIP is a natural and healthy drink. The bottle shape and the transparent glass texture also imply it’s a kind of cold drink which will definitely cool you down in hot summer days. But it’s wrapping paper is a little bit simple – only words with several lines. Besides using different colors to indicate different flavors, I would recommend SIP to add some fruit figures desalted in the background as well.

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