Entrepreneurs and social responsibilities

News Title: Entrepreneurs give Red Bird-area middle school a makeover in remembrance of 9/11


The article demonstrates the effort of modern entrepreneurs to involve in community events. 500 selected businessmen and businesswomen, under the Communities Foundations of Texas, labored for hours at a middle school to help paint the new school logo, racing stripes and new landscaping.

In this fast-paced world where many people believe money talks, some businessmen play politics and manipulate people to attain promotion and margin at any cost. Being blindfolded by numbers, these smart businessmen might have forgotten a simple fact that any possible success they could have achieved was all endowed by the society. Therefore, just as the 500 businessmen have realized, the best way to express their gratitude for the source of fortune is to “pay back” the community. In addition, they gain satisfaction from all these volunteer activities.“…..you remember the day and how you learn to value the people close to you and your community. And now I’m doing this, and it just makes me feel better,” said Thelen, the leader of the business group,suggesting that charitable behaviors bring business people sell-fulfillment and enlightenment when they are making commitments and fulfilling social responsibilities.

Not only is the community involvement of ethic importance to entrepreneurs, it also provides potential opportunities . As a non-profit organization, the Communities Foundations of Texas earn a glorious reputation through all these community events. And with the positive image, the organization becomes more influential.