Any brand would sign to get a viral marketing campaign that works. However, the amount expended in the campaign doesn’t ensure the outcome wanted. Therefore, what makes a viral marketing campaign to have success? An online marketing strategy could make it success, but not as an occasional or momentary action, but as a way, a strategy that will lead us to reach the goal .
The next example had a huge budget behind, but the performance and its creativity was brilliant. This action was carried out by Ogilvy Colombia and Coca Cola. With the launch of the new mini Coke bottle, they used a car jam to set up a drive-in cinema. Consequently, they gain advertising in all medias, both online and offline (TV, radio, press, etc.).
On the other hand, who does not remember the campaign ‘Be WaterMyFriend’ ? although it is not associated with the brand, the ad was and remains a major blockbuster video marketing . The spot was played by Bruce Lee, and we were repeating the phrase for many months.
What characteristics should have a good viral video marketing?
Firstly, it has to have format that most people can enjoy it . Therefore, it has to be simple to use and to see without unnecessary tools. In short, it must be a form of advertising based on the simple process of the word of mouth . When we like something, like a commercial, it is a natural reaction to share it with others. Today, the best business card is our recommendation and a viral video marketing can become one.