How to get a viral effect

Any brand would sign to get a viral marketing campaign that works. However, the amount expended in the campaign doesn’t ensure the outcome wanted. Therefore, what makes a viral marketing campaign to have success? An online marketing strategy could make it success, but not as an occasional or momentary action, but as a way, a strategy that will lead us to reach the goal .

The next example had a huge budget behind, but the performance and its creativity was brilliant. This action was carried out by Ogilvy Colombia and Coca Cola. With the launch of the new mini Coke bottle, they used a car jam to set up a drive-in cinema. Consequently, they gain advertising in all medias, both online and offline (TV, radio, press, etc.).

On the other hand, who does not remember the campaign ‘Be WaterMyFriend’ ? although it is not associated with the brand, the ad was and remains a major blockbuster video marketing . The spot was played by Bruce Lee, and we were repeating the phrase for many months.


What characteristics should have a good viral video marketing?

Firstly, it has to have format that most people can enjoy it . Therefore, it has to be simple to use and to see without unnecessary tools. In short, it must be a form of advertising based on the simple process of the word of mouth . When we like something, like a commercial, it is a natural reaction to share it with others. Today, the best business card is our recommendation and a viral video marketing can become one.

6 Amazing Ipad Apps for an Entrepreneur

Ipad has become an indispensable tool in the case of an entrepreneur . Moreover, every day there is a new application more surprising than the last one. I have selected some of the most relevant applications that can not miss in your device:

1. Dropbox

If you already work in the cloud, sure you’ve heard about Dropbox. As one would expect, there is an application of Dropbox for iPad that lets you edit, synchronize, download, upload and share the contents of your  iPad in a special folder. The best of all is that it is totally free!

2.Documents to Go

With Documents To Go for iPad you can use (create and edit) documents in Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint on the iPad, even those created with the 2007 version of Microsoft Office. Some of its main features are: iTunes file sharing, managing Office 2007 files and access documents that are stored in Dropbox , Google Docs ,, iDisk or SugarSync.

3. FlightTracker Pro

If you are those who travel al lot, with FlightTracker Pro you can track your flights, waiting times, departure times, arrival and real-time tracking of the flight. A perfect App to have all your trips well organized!

4. iSwifter

Apple does not allow on their mobile devices to run Flash content. However, that does not mean you can not play games or watch Flash videos on your iPad . At least not anymore, thanks to iSwifter, an App web-browser Flash content running in their data center and then it sends it to your Ipad.

5. Teamviewer HD

I’m sure that you often wanted to do something on your PC or Mac, but you are away from home or work. Well, now with just providing a working Internet connection on your computer, you can connect to your computer from your iPad with Teamviewer HD.

Teamviewer HD is an application for iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch that allows you to view the screen of your PC or Mac on your iPad, mouse control, type text…!

6. Twitterrific

Twitterrific is one of the best Twitter apps for the iPad right now. It has great support and a very clean and intuitive interface. The application does not support multiple columns, but it is very easy to use. 

WhatsApp & Spanish Business


With over  600 million users worldwide , Spain is among the few countries in which the success of WhatsApp has been so brilliant. Over  23 million people  have downloaded the application in this country.

The purchase of Whatsapp for  over 13,000 million from Facebook put on alert the entire industry after the announce that in a few months they will provide voice services .What is not in doubt is that Whatsapp has proven to be a good low cost tool to boost orders or inquiries via the mobile phone, bringing the products to customers instantly.

For instance, in Spain there is a fish market in Cadiz, which is daily offering to its customers their products through a group of whatsapp. Moreover, in another city of Spain, Caceres, there is a gourmet store which has set up the use of  whatsapp for taking the orders of its customers. The customer goes to the store, he test the products, and he takes a flyer which has all the information to place the order from his home via Whatsapp. 

For me the strategy is perfect , I just congratulate his owner’s initiative!

And some of the advantages provided by the use of WhatsApp on your business could be these:

1. Easy to do

2. It could make closer the relationship with the costumer

3. Immediacy

4. You can submit the latest products received and invite them to buy it

5. Ability to create specific offers for these users

6. Get feedback customer

7. Improve the delivery service


What it takes to be famous on the Internet? Only $68 and 2 hours

Fame. Popularity. They are certainly two of the greatest engines of the Internet. There are many cases of people who have achieved this through hard work and effort. From independent bloggers to developers of widely used applications. But there are many ways… Not all are genuine

What I’ve found is people like Santiago Swallow:

A sum up of his twitter account: 

  • Speaker, writer and thinker
  • It has 85,000+ followers on Twitter
  • His account is verified
  • Specialist “reimagining self in the online age”
  • He born in Mexico but he is living in USA
  • He has participated in the conference TED
  • It has been a hit at SXSW (South by Southwest)
  • He has a fairly detailed page on Wikipedia
  • He is about to publish a book “Self: imaginary identities in the age of the Internet”

Something impressive! But is that real? Not by mistake.

Santiago Swallow was created in 2 hours by Kevin Ashton reporter for an article published in Quarz . It cost $ 68. It’s completely fictional in detail. No specialist in anything, no book, no TED conference, no SXSW.

Ashton purchased 90,000 Twitter followers for $ 50. He paid 18 for the site and . He generated the name of Santiago Swallow with an application for writers that can generate random names under certain criteria. He used software available on the Internet to build and publish tweets every minute from certain phrases and themes shortlisted . His tweets are  like “Before you lose weight, find hope” and “To write is to live endlessly.” In addition, he generated the face of Santiago combining 3 photos taken from Google Images, so that a search will never show duplicates. And the verification seal Twitter just was put on its cover image at the right place. All that remained was to make his biography.

And that’s how a couple of hours you can have a pretty compelling profile of an expert.

The problem of fake followers is serious, because this generates a significant level of noise and it disturbs the activity statistics of twitter followers. But mostly sadly illustrates the common principle on the web that mentioned at the beginning.

What is the most used social network by intellectuals?

There are a variety of social networks, each with a unique appearance that sets them apart. If you want to expand your network of friends you have Facebook. If you want to find the latest developments at the global level, you can see Twitter. Or if you want to create professional relationships you can use LinkedIn. Each social network captures a particular audience. But which do you think do intellectuals use the most?

A study by the Australian company Onetest says that those who use Twitter more often are smarter than those of other social networks. In order to reach to this conclusion, the researchers looked at 2,851 young people who started working just finished university, between 2002 and 2014. The variables analyzed were: favourite social network, salary, professional satisfaction and expectations.

The results showed that only 4% of the entire universe regarded Twitter as the tool of choice to communicate. However, this small group was which had a higher cognitive ability compared to others!

If we talk about the most used social network, Facebook is who wins, followed by LinkedIn. However, users did not show skills above the average. For the researches, the reason why people with greater intellectual capacity prefer Twitter is because of its immediacy and volume of information. Also it requires a certain level of concentration and attention to create and process the information.

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