The Makings of a Successful Manager


Wouldn’t it be nice if it was possible to predict the likelihood of someone’s managerial success from their personality type? Well truth be told, it may in fact be possible to do just that.

In his blog post “6 Essential Traits of Highly Effective Managers – Do You Have Them?” Dario Priolo suggests that there are 6 key traits that are present in all successful managers; adaptability, leadership, relationship building, desire to develop others, and a desire to develop ones-self. I completely agree that the presence of these six traits can in fact predict if someone will find success as a manager. Without communication there can be no effective delegation of work, without adaptability a person would crumble at the slightest ‘bump in the road’, lacking leadership a person would be unable to control and command their workforce effectively, in the absence of relationship building there would be no trust between the manager and their employee’s making for a very negative and less efficient working environment, without a desire to improve others there could be no improvements in the output of others, and without a desire to improve the self a person would never see that they may have faults which need to be addressed in order to see improvements in other areas.

Though I agree with all the traits Priolo deems to be identifiers of managerial success, I feel he fails to point out that all successful managers must also be able to forgo their personal wants and act in a manner that benefits more than just themselves.  In all I believe that the six traits Priolo describes in combination with this selflessness, are personality traits which can indeed predict if a person will be a successful manager. 

To read more from Dario Priolo, find his blog here:

Dario, Priolo. “6 Essential Traits of Highly Effective Managers – Do You Have Them?” Web log post. Profiles International. N.p., 09 Dec. 2011. Web. 05 Nov. 2014. 
Dario Priolo’s Blog

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