The Benefits of Keeping Employees Happy


It’s common knowledge that the driving force behind most business decisions is increasing profits. However, after new research produced by Dr. Noelle Nelson surfaced in 2012 with the publication in her book “Make More Money by Making Your Employees Happy,” companies may need to start rethinking exactly HOW they widen their profit margins. 

In her book Dr. Nelson suggests that instead of cutting costs wherever possible in attempts to make more money, companies should invest in the “happiness” of their employees. Her research shows that an employee whose company makes them “happier” by having reasonable working hours, providing a low-stress work environment, and offering good health benefits packages is significantly more productive than an employee whose happiness is not a company concern.

I agree with the approach Dr. Nelson suggests because I believe these “happier” employees’ who feel their company genuinely cares for them are more productive due to the fact that they feel their interests are aligned with those of their employers. I believe these “happier” employees are then capable of generating larger profits for the companies they work for because they will also align their personal sense of success with the success of their company. In conclusion, all companies should take note of this new and somewhat counter intuitive approach to handling employees’ if they are looking to maximize their profits.  

Nelson, Noelle, Dr. Make More Money by Making Your Employees Happy,. N.p.: MindLab. 2012. Print.
Cooper, Steve. “Make More Money By Making Your Employees Happy.”Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 30 July 2012. Web. 07 Nov. 2014.

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