Brame, C. J. (2016). Effective educational videos: Principles and guidelines for maximizing student learning from video content. CBE—Life Sciences Education, 15(4).
Educational videos have become an important part of higher education, providing an important content-delivery tool in many flipped, blended, and online classes. Effective use of video as an educational tool is enhanced when instructors consider three elements: how to manage cognitive load of the video; how to maximize student engagement with the video; and how to promote active learning from the video. This essay reviews literature relevant to each of these principles and suggests practical ways instructors can use these principles when using video as an educational tool.
With the rise of technology, multimedia tools like video have become an important part of education. The author of this article pulls together a variety of sources to examine the ways in which video can enhance learning the traditional, blended and online classrooms. The set of principles outlined in the article are highly relevant to consider when designing and developing one’s own video for educational purposes.
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