Shravan’s Blog “Fly Fly away” talks about how Emirates, the giant airline company took the opportunity of the growing UAE economy. Emirates aimed at how tourism in UAE was exponentially growing annually due to which it has used various pricing and promotional strategies in order to exploit this situation. Results: It has become the biggest airline business in the world.
Shravan’s blog brought the factor of economy and its importance for a business under my consideration due to which I looked deep into the topic. Uber is a business which expanded into Canada but it failed in many areas of the economy. Canada is a country which gives extreme importance to environmental laws and work standards/ethics and Uber is one specific brand which has been known to practice unethical work standards. When the government and many Canadian citizens found out about the wrong practices followed by Uber, it was asked to shutdown their operations in the following areas. Knowing the economy is crucial for the business to operate in order to maximize its presence.
When Blackberry entered into the Indonesian economy back in 2007, Blackberry had just found out its biggest jackpot ever! Indonesia became the biggest market for Blackberry services and smartphones due to the growing economy of the country.