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Feb 24 / vikachen

Can a Small Business Survive? (5)

Like what I’ve mentioned that I plan to buy a netbook, I did buy a pretty good one thanks to all my researches. After that, I believe I should do what other people do that upgrade the ram to 2GB so I started my research again. After realizing Best Buy or Futureshop don’t have much memories for me to choose (actually they only have a 1 sq.m. place for all the memories in store), I choose to search those websites that I turned off. Then I realized how shortsighted I am.

After researching, I ordered a memory on NCIX’s website and I chose to pick it up in the store in Richmond. When I were there, I realized that the store is more like a place to pick up. It’s only around 700 sq.ft., and not all the item are displayed in the store.

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(Minh Ngo, co-founder of Memory Express)

Apparently, compared to Best Buy and Futureshop, NCIX and Memory Express are smaller businesses focus on computers and computer components instead of big ticket items. I think they target on the customers who would like to assemble and optimize their own machines.Normally, this group of people are familiar with internet, so these retails put a lot of effort on their websites. However, even though they have all their merchandises on their websites, the websites are not so appealing. Therefore, since I were not in their target market and I didn’t know them at all, I closed the unappealing websites right away.

As a result, I think they should do some advertisements, like bus stop poster advertisement, to make their brand name know to everyone, even those people who don’t know about computer at all. I think it’s always good to let people remind of the company’s function right after they come to the brand.

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