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Mar 10 / vikachen

Print Media are Fighting Back

Books, magazines and newspaper, who were suffered due to the internet booming are now fighting back thanks to the portable big screen of iPad. However, iPad ADD Is More Acute Than Anticipated.

People said buying a magazines is actually buying advertisements, and therefore iPad provides a platform for readers to  access to the product website and purchase right away. However, it also become a distraction. Without knowing what are in the remaining magazine, people probably would forget about going back to it.

Not as flexible as print media is one of disadvantage of not only iPad but also any other ebook devices.  Traditionally, people can open or skip whatever page they want in a second and fold a page as a bookmark which let people recognize a page intuitively. However, finding a page in iPad may spend a lot of time due to the network or hardware delay.

To gain the market share back, maybe one day the ebook device would provide a similar experience as reading a real book.

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