McDonald’s issue

The business ethic indicates that each part of the whole society, include employees, suppliers and consumers and so on, should bond with each other and develop together. McDonald cooperated with lawmaker, and got an unfair legislation: pay teenage employees 20 percent less than federal minimum wages. This legislation satisfied their own selfish wants but harmful to society and workers. Also it doesn’t allow workers to join union, so employees are unable to protect their rights and negotiate for higher welfare. They just consider their profits, but ignore the welfare of workers.
In addition, McDonald sold unhealthy food, tortured animals, and destroyed the Amazon rain forest, all of these are violet to business ethic. Maybe they can get high profit from them in short-run, but for long-run development, as they destroy the company’s reputation then lost brand loyalty, they are unable to improve company because no one will be willing to buy their products. And they destroy the environment and explore resources without regulations, there are not enough resources can be used to produce and innovate in the future. So I suppose governments or public department should set some regulations to McDonald, like asking for better welfare for employees and increase the monitoring to improve the quality of their foods. So the business can develop in right direction and the each part of business can come together.

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