Why we need Arc or Social Enterprise?


If the United Nations (UN) was fully funded, they may concentrate more on social issues like poverty, children’s health and housing.  But they need the help of Arc and social enterprise.  If UN give fund to countries where need help directly, the impact is not lasting. I suggest UN give a general scheme and financial support, what Arc and social enterprise can give hand to are the specific details UN can’t cover by itself.

Specifically, upward Arc has enormous effect on social problems of some developing countries, like what Arielle Uwonkunda did in Rwanda. Founded entrepreneurs can join the exchange programs to get sufficient knowledge then maximizing efficiency and make contribution to their home country. For instance, they can run their own business in home country and make much benefits to the economy, which can make lasting influence rather than direct investment from UN.

As for social enterprise, they provide basic services to people who need help. If UN can provide funds, they are able to offer more fundamentally programs and services to solve social issues, for example, building houses for homeless people, offering free education opportunities to children whose families can’t afford the tuition fee. And they can help governments and UN to leverage public and private resources, and develop the plan they come up.

So that’s why we would need Arc or social enterprise if United Nation was fully funded.






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