See world around you in a windowless airplane

CPI-cabin, picture

Almost everyone had a dream of flying in the sky in childhood, even some adults still keep dreaming it. From this point, windowless plane has caught social attention.

According to the idea of Centre for Process Innovation (CPI) who want to be the first one to design a windowless airplane, what you see from panels are shoot by cameras mounted outside of the plane which create a delusion that the cabin wall are transparent. Like what Angela said, passengers can enjoy the fascinating scenery through a disruptive view. It can attract more consumers, especially who really like excitement and adventure.  The CEO and manager did well in value proposition, they are trying to be the first one getting into consumers’ mind and will take the leading place in this industry.

In addition, this innovation bring a lot of benefit, including producers, consumers and even environment. The plane wall will be thinner and have better quality, which cause less fuel used, so from management accounting aspect, cost of production reduces leads higher profit. Furthermore, lower usage of fuel emits less toxic emission like CO2, which abate green-house effect efficiently. All of them improve business ethic and sustainability (according to Angela’s blog, sustainability can be effected by environmental, social and economic demand factor).

To be honest, it’s a really good plan and innovation, I expect to take a “windowless” plan in the future!

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