Prep homework of Class 3: Groundwater Issueé-extracting-b-c-s-drinking-water-for-free-1.587568

From the article “‘Wild West’ of groundwater”, I think Nestlé violates the social responsibility of business because it does not consider the social welfare and benfit. In fact,Nestlé drawing water from Hope without measure, report and fees, so it is not a public and fair behaviour. Then they bottled and sell them back to the Hope with higher prices, which damage the benefit of consumers. Maybe the lack of groundwater regulations in B.C is a reason why Nestlé take water freely and don’t report the volume they take to government and public. They said they did more on recording the qulity of groundwater, but their reports are internal and not that voluntary like they said. In conclusion, Nestlé doesn’t excute social responsibility and business ethic successfully.
Turning to the position of Council, groundwater should be treated as public trust which can benefit all Canadians.  As for this concept, I think governments should play the essential role in achieving this goal. If companies keep withdrawing water in free, social fundation will be damaged. So in my opinion, the most efficient way to solve or improve it is increasing regulations, monitoring and reports by governments, for example, they can impose taxes to companies, or control the quantity they take. In addtion, governments can cooperate with drawing-water-companies to maximise the long-run profit as well as the socialwelfare. The whole society, include consumers, suppliers,emplyees, etc, should be combined and develop together.

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