Week 10- Technology and Humanity or The Ghost in the Shell

In this meeting my intention was to reiterate what our recent conversations have made evident: that all we hold to know about ourselves and the world is now in question. This is not the first time that we, as Humanity, have found ourselves in such situation. The Renaissance, the Protestant Reformation or the rise of Humanism were other such moments. These are spaces of uncertainty and crisis but they have also been extraordinary creative moments in which all aspects of life have been revised and reinvented, leading us to new and exciting ways of perceiving and understanding all aspects of reality. In such moments, imagination has played a most central role, and as in the past we, as artists have a part in our common search for new horizons.

The links below are but a few examples of, on the one hand, the challenges to many of such notions; and on the other, the ways in which creativity  offers possible answers to our questions.
