Week 02- The power of images


  • General understanding of the questions related to the definition of images

  • our relation to them

The thesis of this class.

What is an image?


Chemical equations


What would be the characteristics of images?

What is their function?

Where does the image exist?

What does an image do?

Michel Focault:

(the word)…” is a secret that carries within itself, though near the surface, the decipherable signs of what it is trying to say” (35, THE ORDER OF THINGS)


Mental imagery (varieties of which are sometimes colloquially referred to as “visualizing,” “seeing in the mind’s eye,” “hearing in the head,” “imagining the feel of,” etc.) is quasi-perceptual experience; it resembles perceptual experience, but occurs in the absence of the appropriate external stimuli

Manifest vs Scientific: (…) the major problem confronting philosophy today (,,,) is the “clash” between “the ‘manifest’ image of man-in-the-world” and “the scientific image.”

Memory as the image of an image/experience- How to convey an experience?/ A concept? / A feeling/ Something we cannot fully comprehend?


From poetryarchive.org:

Imagery is the name given to the elements in a poem that spark off the senses.” Despite “image” being a synonym for “picture”, images need not be only visual; any of the five senses (sight, hearing, touch, taste, smell) can respond to what a poet writes.(…)”

Love arrives
and in its train come ecstasies
old memories of pleasure
ancient histories of pain (Maya Angelou)

The apparition of these faces in the crowd

Petals on a wet, black bough

Ezra Pound



A chien andalou

Why do we create images? What is our relation to images?

In class: What is an image?

Digital image

  • image size / resolution 

What is a pixel?


What is an apple?


  1. Image is a visual expression of an idea, or a representation of an object or a person, or a record/proof of memory/experience, exist either mentally or physically.

  2. An image is a visual response that reminds or allows us to acknowledge that an idea, experience, feeling, event and/or a particular person or people was once present. The image may be illusional, blurry; however, it may also be fixed and clear. It may be a visual representation that exists in our mind, which attaches itself to an idea, feeling, experience, etc, while it might never be in clear detail and/or have a set definition/meaning. On the other hand, it may be a physical two-dimensional item in which one can exactly identify the details presented on the surface.

    Image is a platform in which imaginations, meanings, ideas, and conversations take place; however, it is a platform where no one can really have the last word.

  3. The image is the sum of senses of hearing, speaking and touching, whenever we see an image, it is a tool to remind us of memorial moments, making connection between the real things existing in the world and things that are in or mind. The creation of the image has been changed from the past to present, the variations of techniques developed the meaning of images and extended our feeling of emotions through the use of images. As an image, it could be edited for personal reasons, entering into not only eyes, but also the whole body of ourselves.

  4. A visual representation of the external form of a person or thing in art. A memory of the time or an event. A record of what happened in real world or what happened in our mind. A visual expression, feelings or stories from each other.

  5. An image could be defined as physical that represents a thing in the “real” world or it could be defined as logical that imagine the image from a person’s mind and they were explain to it. Also we could say image is abstraction because It is not an actual object
    Where we can touch it. It all about observation, imagine, and something about the sense or feeling. An Image represent anything other than itself

  6. An image is a visual manifestation, record, or representation that serves to display something in the place of other forms of communication and/or expression to the person perceiving it.

  7. An image is a communicative implement that conveys or invokes a certain perception of reality. It can create and/or represent different meanings for different readers and it has an attachment to a certain emotion or experience of the author.

  8. Something that exists in our present, past and future. It is not only a way of marking time, depicting our surroundings or creating a visual narrative of our lives… but can be a multi-faceted tool to express our emotions without a need to speak. It is a way to describe ideas, notions, and feelings associated with the elements of our lives, aspects that are inexplicable to some. An image does not have to be a distinct visual representation, but can encapsulate a sense of uncertainty. It can exist in all of us yet, cannot be found at the same time. A single image can carry an alternative meaning for every person who views it. It is a way of connecting us to our individual memories and associative emotions. Although, it can also depict shared ideologies that are linked to a specific moment in time.

  9. An image (to my personal description), is a tool, which is rarely, if ever, unaccompanied by a descriptive or a narrative. It is a way to communicate, transcending [language] barriers through symbolism and/or context.

  10. An image is an internal response to the external stimulus that is based on our experiences, worldview and emotional connections to that stimulus.

  11. To give a broad definition of what an image is, I would argue that an image is the representation of something. This ‘ something’ can be a shape, a color, an object, a feeling,idea. As well, this representation can take a material or an immaterial shape.

  12. From the perspective of people who seeing the images, Images are mixtures and variations of lines, shapes and colours that evoke viewers? perceptual experience in order to expose feelings and meanings on them. These feelings and meanings varies from person to person, because everyone?s experience is unique and distinctive. From the perspective of people who creating images, images visualize their inner perceptions of the world, may not fully correct and comprehensive, but at least represent some aspect of it. Also, image is a kind of language that can build communication but still cannot avoid misunderstanding.

  13. An image is a visual, and often 2-dimensional, medium for which a message is conveyed, without the reliance of words, by the creator of the image to any person who would spend the time to look at it. This message is then interpreted by the viewer in a way that may or may not match what the creator originally intended.

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