Week 03- Images and The Real

Discussion homework

What does a painting depict?

Painting as translation: relation with a visible reality- painting as rendering

Different modes of representation implicitly refer to particular ways of seeing the world

Medieval painting


Painting also implicitly depicts and communicate a particular relation/understanding of reality. Renaissance paintings conveyed powerful messages about the new place occupied by humans in the new world.



“Travelers, you will soon be able, perhaps, at the cost of some hundreds of francs, to acquire the apparatus invented by M. Daguerre, and you will be able to bring back to France the most beautiful monuments, the most beautiful scenes of the whole world. You will see how far from the truth of the Daguerreotype are your pencils and brushes.”

Technical Imageshuman civilization has seen two fundamental turning points since its beginnings. The first occurred approximately during the second half of the second millennium, B.C., and may be defined as “the invention of linear writing”. The second — we are witnessing it — may be called “the invention of technical images.”

Hippolyte Gaucherau

Photography- the pencil of nature.

Photography= Truth

The notion that Photography could give us un-mediated access to a fragment of the real created the conditions for the advent of documentary and scientific photography.

Russian propaganda

From the exhibition Rodchenko and Popova:

artists should devote themselves to industrial production. Popova and Rodchenko were both among those who signed their agreement, adopting the slogan ‘art into life’ and acknowledging ‘production art as an absolute value and Constructivism as its only form of expression.’

Man with a Movie Camera- life itself

Magnum photos



What are the images of Today? What do they say about our perception of the Real?




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