Week 03- Pixels of the Real


In our class we saw how modes and means of representation continuously change throughout time. In every moment in history, there seems to be a co-relation between the dominant visual language and the perception of what is “Real”. For instance, the world-view conveyed in religious icon paintings in Medieval times is very different that the one that emerges from a Renaissance canvas or, later on, from a photographic image. This begs the question that we will explore next:

How could we interpret our contemporary ways of creating images?

The questions below will be at the center of the discussion next class. While you don’t have to answer them here, you are encouraged to consider:

  • What are the general characteristics of contemporary technical images?
  • How are they different from (and similar to) painting and analog (film) photography?
  • What is the notion of “real” that emerges from our ways of representation?



Choose one of the following:

a- Create a self-portrait through the objects that surround you.

b- Create a depiction of your daily routine through objects that you encounter as you go through your day

In either cases, focus not on objects appearance, but rather, try to convey you relation to them (what they mean to you/ their place in your everyday, etc).

Use at least 5 images that you will manipulate in any ways you find suitable for your goal. Stills or video, collages or sequences and any sort of visual manipulation is valid, as soon as it helps you convey your idea.


For those not too familiar with Photoshop, please challenge yourself to incorporate new tools. Here are some tutorials you can easily get a hand of:

Make perfect selections

Mask out part of an image

Introducing adjustment layers

Changing the color of an object



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