Week 8- Collaboration, imagined

The homework for this week is twofold.

On the one hand, you are invited to especulate on the role and importance of the imagination. The other part of the assignment involves a reflection on your personal relation with your closest technologies.

  • What is imagination?

It will come as no surprise that Albert Einstein famously stated: “Imagination is more important than knowledge.” We will find plenty of evidence of this in the weeks to come. There are many different views on this topic and you are free to choose what to focus on. However, for obvious reasons, it is important that you devote some part of your reflection to artistic imagination.

  • An usual collaboration

The second element to this assignment will be carried out as a small experiment. You are invited to use primarily your phone to gather the information and create your response. The goal is to raise awareness of what these quotidian interactions with your device entail.

These are just some suggestions of how to challenge your habitual dealing about your phone:

  • Think of your interactions as a collaboration‘: try to dialogue (rather than use) your device.
  • Maximize voice interaction both for the research and in writing down your views
  • Ask questions as opposed to impart commands.
  • Take your phone ‘views’ into account. For instance, don’t focus on what you are expecting as a response, instead be open to other ‘views’, ‘mistakes’ and ‘misunderstandings’ from your ‘partner’. Something interesting might ensue.

As in any true experiment there are no many guidelines. You are free to improvise and look for your own ways; in short, Use your imagination!


  1. I would say that imagination is the ability to come up with ways to solve problems, as well as ways to express one’s own personal opinion or idea. Sometime these things mix together as well. Say you have problem, one that no one knows how to solve. How do you solve it? You use your imagination. Of course, that’s not to say that imagination comes from nothing.

    Imagination is the amalgamation of a person’s total knowledge that they retain, which is then mixed together in various ways to achieve an end result. Either the answer to a problem, an opinion regarding something that they experience, an expression of one’s self, or any number of things that people have to think about in order to move forwards, either spiritually or physically.

    Week 8 Image


  2. The imagination is the canvas and the catalyst for creativity simultaneously. It is where one decides on their journey as well as the map on how to get there. In my experience, the imagination can be stifled my technology especially in its current handheld ubiquity. I believe that technology as an amplifier or projector of the imagination would create a wondrous future. Here is to hoping!!


  3. I thought very hard about this representation. It almost felt like arguing with an existential crisis question.
    Imagination is the strings of thought running parallel, adjacent to, and tangled with each other. Imagination is the world inside my head and the language I speak with my body. It is an attempt at communication from the deepest parts of my mind or soul with the outside world in hopes that at least a loose translation will be made once the thought leaves my hands. It is not only my own dialect of this language we all try to speak, but it is what I use to communicate with myself, my hands, my body.
    Its not an image I can create of it, as the image is ever changing. But the constant is in the beginning, there is always a blank slate to start, an empty piece of paper or canvas, a lack of creation that facilitates the creation.
    An empty space to fill. http://newhive.com/verheireab/imagination

  4. In my personal view, imagination is a thing that allows people to explore something unfamiliar but actually existing within the society. Through broad imagination, not only could we will create more advanced techniques to help human figure out matters that seems not to be achieved merely with people’s hands, but also make the inner world of us more richer.

    It is a way to go through the crossing rode of art successfully as imagination become am important part of low or high art, because we use our mind to combine or connect two things in an imaging relationship, which have broken up the barrier brought from the reality and context where we are living, at the same time, try to give a birth of new tools, ideas and concepts. Obviously, imagination appears to be a rational leader of the new world.


  5. For me, IMAGINATION is to form a new idea. Usually, I don’t use Siri in my daily life, so when I was trying to talk to Siri I often ask simple questions, and I found it was boring. I wanted to know if there will be the same answer or not when I ask Siri in the different language. Then, I set Siri in Chinese and found out they put lots of funny stuff in “Chinese Siri.” I started to talk to her rather than ask her simple questions and create a new thought in our conversation by using imagination. It was super fun when Siri began to read Chinese rap, then I record it and speed it up, make it even faster. I create an image to describe how I felt when I talk to Siri.


  6. What is imagination? In relation to artistic imagination, I think it’s something that drives us to create: it’s the ability to form ideas from literally anything (or nothing at all!). As for how important it is… I believe that we wouldn’t have a lot of the things we have today if we didn’t have any imagination.

    Technology plays a huge role in my life:

  7. What is imagination? In relation to artistic imagination, I think it’s something that drives us to create: it’s the ability to form ideas from literally anything (or nothing at all!). As for how important it is… I believe that we wouldn’t have a lot of the things we have today if we didn’t have any imagination. For example: if we didn’t have imagination, who would’ve thought of creating devices like our phones? Talking through a handheld thing to someone on the other side of the world… who would’ve thought of it? Imagination then furthered this technology by giving it different forms and functions– resulting in a diverse selection of phones.

    I tried to collaborate with my phone at first, but to little avail. All the “Hey, Google” function did was bring up a search for whatever I had said to it. No “human-like” reaction, no fun 🙁 So I ended up going with Cortana on my laptop instead. Some highlights of the exchanges:
    https://gyazo.com/870a6b5310101ff1f538649b19b00c6d (this was an accident, I swear– I don’t even have an iPhone)
    https://gyazo.com/e1d575fff3b85c4a0f855436381b3b0f , https://gyazo.com/f7004c31ce5fa5c7bfbdfe77ed4ed83d
    Cortana had a lot of interesting responses to seemingly conversational questions– it was pretty fun to talk to it. However, I realised that these responses were probably put in by the people who programmed it– so they’re programmed results, rather than something Cortana came up with (…or are they?) In trying to find out what imagination is with Cortana however, I discovered two things:
    1. when I asked directly, “what is imagination,” Cortana brought up a solid definition that already existed:
    2. when I asked for its opinion, “what is imagination to you, Cortana,” it gave me a browser search result instead:
    This probably just means that the people behind Cortana didn’t want to give an opinion on something like this or didn’t think about this question, but it still made me feel a little disappointed that I didn’t get an actual response.

    Technology plays a huge role in my life as a medium in which I create art; it’s actually my primary medium. It’s also the reason why this course exists, although it’s not the only art course that depends on technology (printmaking requires presses, sculpture requires machinery and etc etc)– I’m just relating to digital technology for now. I think, in the process of creating newer and more advanced technology– imagination/creation and technology have become much more intertwined; we’re constantly imagining new technology and creating them to create more things from our imagination.

  8. Technology and imagination are interestingly related, as without imagination technology could no exist. Also, on the other hand, technology appears the way to enhance imagination. One of the field in which technology and imagination merge in a beautiful way is for me animation film. The work of Hayao Miyazaki epitomize how imagination can become real through technology.


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