End of Term Reflection

Unlike other Sauder courses such as Accounting and Finance, Marketing is an area where collaboration and group-work certainly play a very large part in the learning process. Taking what we learn in lectures and directly being able to apply these tools to a real-world situation allows us to immediately practice this application, which solidifies our knowledge of the subject. Without a doubt, I feel like the group project portion of the course was the most important component and I also appreciated a deviation from the traditional presentation by way of the video project.

The division of the project into 3 components spread the work out quite evenly and eliminated students’ temptations to procrastinate on the work until the end of the semester. For me, the assignment was very clearly outlined but some people found the video portion quite frustrating as they had no prior experience with video-editing software. This also reduced the quality of some of the final output from groups. However, I believe this is a challenge that is worth presenting to students as this is a skill that will prove to be very beneficial, not only in future courses we take, but also when we enter into the workforce.

Overall, the project was very enjoyable as I was able to befriend all of the members of my group, which broke the ice quite nicely and allowed us to work very well throughout the semester. I had always wanted to take a course specific to a more abstract course such as Marketing, but had been unable to until now. This course has definitely changed my perspective and has definitely encouraged me to take other Marketing courses in the future!

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