…too much capitalism?

The Globe and Mail recently posted an article stating that “More than half of Canadian boomers [are] catching [the] entrepreneurial bug.” This brought up an interesting thought to me… is there such a thing as too much capitalism? Can we get to a point where there are just too many small business starting up that draw too much of the population away from the workforce that is so essential for any economy?


Although the article discusses those Boomers that are nearing retirement or have already retired, it is a trend that is not only seen in those nearing that age; even students and young workers are becoming more and more keen on starting their own businesses. Why wouldn’t they? You can be your own boss… and some would argue it’s the only real way to become “rich.” But what does that do for the economy?

Small Businesses

Certainly it’s a good thing when people want to start their own businesses. Governments always try to encourage small business activity, because it produces jobs and many other benefits. But what if everyone just wants their own business? Then our workforce is reduced greatly… something that will have very negative effects on the economy. A shortage of labour will cause these small businesses, themselves, to pay high salaries to their workers and perhaps begin shutting down causing the owners large losses.

Although it is unlikely we will reach this point, it’s interesting to see how each and every one of us do affect the working economy greatly.

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