Google > Apple.

Many fanboys and fangirls of Apple around the world simply follow the fact that “Apple has the largest market capitalization of any company in the world” so therefore they’re bigger and better than Google and everyone! The fact is, every company makes mistakes and is lacking in some aspects. One of these big mistakes Apple made was introducing its own maps application to the iPhone operating system to replace that of Google which is so well renowned across the world.

Above are just a couple of the very obvious and unmistakable errors that are seen in Apple’s new Maps application. As soon as news spread of this atrocious decision by Apple, Google pounced on the opportunity and is finishing up design of its own application which it will submit to the Apple Store very soon.

This is just another way that Google will assert its dominance on Apple (at least in the software market for sure). The Android operating system is also currently holding the lion’s share of the smartphone operating system market in contrast to Apple’s iOS which is limited to just the iPhone. Google’s decision to delve more into the software market has been very rewarding thus far, and it is extremely impressive to see that it has managed to compete with Apple in terms of market capitalization while remaining completely in the software market, whereas Apple has been in the hardware market for a long time.

Now, as Google also enters the hardware market for tech products, the competition gets even sharper. Who do you think will prevail?


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