Comm 101 Group Project

Coming into the course, I had varying expectations. From what the upper year students, who had taken the course last year, had told me, I was somewhat nervous about all the casework that we would have to do. They warned and said, even though there’s no final, there’s a lot of work and the cases will creep up on you if you don’t keep up to schedule.

This was all true, and I saw it right as the first individual case approached. Since then, I’ve been doing better with time management… somewhat. However, those struggles aside, the group project has been a very positive experience, contrary to my expectation. In highschool, group projects were often very short and not engaging. However, the Comm 101 group business plan project has managed to keep me interested and involved with the group for the most part of the semester.

Dividing the assignment into 3 parts allowed the group to gain lots of experience with working together and by the last assignment, we have confidence in each other and have communicated enough to be comfortable with each other. All my group members have been very solid, and I am very confident that we have tried as hard as we could and the results will reflect the hard work for sure.

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