Education? Hmmm…

It’s no surprise that many kids from highschools all over BC, rather than pursue post secondary education, simply get on a train and head North to some rural area of Prince George where they can earn a very good living working as labour. Not only is it easy for highschool graduates, in fact there are apprenticeship programs in place in most highschools that allow students to work part time as they study so that after graduation they have work experience under their belt. This experience makes them very valuable in the labour market and they face no troubles finding jobs as soon as they graduate.

Well that’s just great!

…Actually, is it? This means more and more of our young are diverting themselves from going to post-secondary for 4 long years (I mean, who wants to study?) as they see the lure of money as soon as they graduate. Many are forced to leave their home due to family issues, at which point the only thing they care about is making money to support themselves. And studying costs money… and is… well, studying.

As this trend continues to grow, it will be very interesting to see how it affects our economy in the near future as much of the possible talent and brains are being sucked away by the labour market.

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