The Life of a Business Kid

An acquaintance’s blog post on the topic of Profitable Passion struck a note with me and really led me on a thought-provoking journey revolving around my future and my peers’ futures.

Ever since entering Sauder, I’ve heard countless stories about my fellow classmates successfully leading their own business while in highschool (some even middle school). Stories that are awe-inspiring and truly characteristic of what a Sauder student really is: a passionate businessperson.  I, myself, created and nurtured a Creative Design agency named Blue City Design throughout highschool, but since entering business school, I feel the need to be part of something bigger, something more lucrative.

The fact is, many of us enter business school thinking we’ll hit it off big as entrepreneurs and become the newest millionaire billionaires of the 21st century. But, the fact is, millions of people attend business school just in North America… how many become the next big thing? You got it… not many. But isn’t that what defines passion? Even while seeing the daunting obstacles ahead of us, a remorseless world waiting for us, we follow our dreams endlessly. We put everything on the line, in the hopes that we will one day, get that next big idea that’ll take us to where we want to be.

“Hope is a waking dream,” the great Aristotle said. “Go get it,” I say.

A big thanks to my acquaintance for leading me on such a journey!

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