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Jennifer McGrinder

BHK, CSEP-PT, CSEP-CEP, NCCP Swim Coach (II), BCRPA Advance Aquafit Instructor, BCRPA Aquafit Trainer of Fitness Leader, Red Cross Water Safety Instructor, NLS Lifeguard, CPR-C, AED Responder

I come to Vital Fitness Solutions with almost 15 years working in aquatics, leading aqufit classes, swimming lessons, and recreational and competitive lap swimming programs. I recently returned to school and completed a Human Kinetics degree at UBC Okanagan, and became certified as a Clinical Exercise Physiologist. I believe combining my aquatics background with clinical exercise physiology provides the perfect medium in which to help clients progress safely and enjoyably towards improved health and fitness. My passion is helping people overcome hurdles and realize their potential in a comfortable, supportive and enriching environment. Over the years I have worked with a variety of people from babies to seniors, competitive swimmers to recreational athletes, exercisers to non-exercisers, on land and in the water all in the spirit of improved quality and enjoyment of life.

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Credentials: BHK, CSEP-PT, CSEP-CEP, Can Fit Pro-Nutrition and Wellness Specialist, & CPR & First aid.

I chose my profession as a fitness coach because I am passionate about fitness. I have always been interested about health, exercise, fitness, and wellness all my life, and have spent the past 10 years learning more about it every day. The biggest reward for me when I train an individual is to see them getting healthier and better every day. I believe in helping my clients be the best version of themselves possible and adopt small fitness changes every day. Stive for progression!