No pains, no gains

So welcome back to week2 trading game!!

What is going on my portfolio value?

I still lose money thisweek,cause I invested too much in soybean oil and maize,
the price of both soybean oil and maize kept decreasing this week,I had a difficulty in choosing whether to sell or keepingobserve it , finally, I chose to do nothing cause I was no sure what will happening to these two items. But I began to contract wheat, I kept an eye on wheat from last week. So what happen on the increasing price of wheat? From a
report called Global wheat harvest to set record by a margin , we can get some useful information to this question. The International Grains Council raised by 4m tones to 676m its forecast for global wheat production, crediting “better than expected” crops in the European Union, Russia and the Ukraine.”[These] more than offset a lower forecast for Australia, where rains are still inadequate,” the council said in its monthly report on grains markets. The increase puts the IGC estimate in line with official US forecasts, and 30 million tones above the council’s projection for wheat consumption, despite the highest demand for feed wheat for 17 years. This year’s wheat harvest will break the production record by an even bigger margin than had been thought.

Here comes my conclusion: Wheat futures were up 1.9% Wednesday, trading around $670.5 per bushel. Wheat saw solid gains as indicators have turned positive with good export demand.  Wheat had bullish export sales of 620,200 tonnes for 2013-2014 marketing year.  Wheat was mostly 6-51 cents it is a wise choice for me to in

What happened in the grain market this week?

Compared to last week, Wheat futures were up 1.9% Wednesday, trading around $670.5 per bushel. Grain and soybean bids were slight to sharply lower with wheat trading higher.  Corn and soybeans were under pressure during the week as harvest is progressing for corn and just getting started for soybeans.  Soybeans rose, heading for the first quarterly gain in a year, as surging U.S. export sales signaled steady demand from China , the world’s biggest buyer and consumer. Early corn yields have come in been better than expected.  The basis levels continue to drop sharply in some locations on harvest pressure.

What I want to do next week?

1.I need to pay more attention on my previous investment in soybean oil and maize, and make a final decision on them.

2. To find out more resources to predict the trends before I do contract. Until now, My information source is still very limited,I frequently used  the website Bloomberg and CNBC General Market News ,to read some grain market  news and get some data before I make my decision, but I found this is not enough, cause the grain market is always changeable. I can not only judge a simple group data to draw my conclusion.  Additionally, I still not so familiar with some terms in stock market, like cover, I will try to use it next week.

3. To trade in the beginning of week, this week I was so busy to finish my assignment and left seldom time for me to do a research in the grain market, so I only contracted wheat (4 units) at Thursday. If I trade earlier, maybe I can make more profit to changeover my dilemma.

4. To make a detailed portfolio value table and keep an eye on the grain trend every day , I am pretty sure that if I reserve it as a real stock market investment instead of a future game, I will make every investment decision seriously and gain my profit. To conclude, no pain no gain, I should make more effort on it.








Stepping into Future trading game


Wise investors always tell us that investment has certain risks, be wised with your decision.

Another similar story for me in investment

The Future trading game reminded me my first Fund buying experience three years ago. I received almost 10,000RMB lucky money in Chinese Spring Festival,there has a common value passed on from our ancestors is that always save your extra money for the rainy days.  It was obviously not a good choice for me to spent all my budget on shopping like buying a new phone or just saving them in my piggy bank. My dad gave me three investment suggestions: bank deposit, fund investment and stock investment. It seemed that high-risk means high return, bank deposit is the safest way but with a low profit and stock investment is the most profitable way but highest risk. It was the first time for me to arrange my money and I did not want to suffer a heavy loss in investment market. On second thought, I accepted the second one .Under my dad’s guidance, I putted several fund investment choices in a table to make a comparison according to their track record,recent net worth, net cumulative total growth rate, week, month ranking and so on. Finally, I invested 5000 RMB in a fund called Shining House. Paying close attention to observe the fund went up and fluctuate dropped everyday, my funds gained 4% one month later.  But after that, stock began crashed down and I lost more than I earned. This was an unsuccessful investment but it was the first time to set foot in investment market and learned few basic knowledge about it.

My  first trading experience in Future trading game
In terms of Future trading game, On 19th September, I started trading with Grand &seeds stock without paying attention to the price and changes,  cause I am a newbie and still lacked of both knowledge and relative experience on  how to do business  in Future stocktrak market even thought I paid some time to watch videos to learn how to trade. I  felt like myself is just an Adventurer , the only way for me to make profit is just by fortune. But unluckily, both two stocks I invested made me lost money and ranked bottom among my competitors. I have bought 20 contracts in soybeans oil  and maize respectively,unfortunately, I lost total   11050 after 24 hours

.It is necessary for me to find out the reasons in this situation so that I can decide whether to continue  investing or stop investing in these items. For example, I looked up some information related to the price of soybeans oil in the website.

From the chart, it saw an obvious downward trend in the price of soybeans oil from April to September in this year. In a report Soybeans  oil end 41 lower lower,the economics North says “Soybeans oil prices are breaking down domestically as new crop supplies and replenishing crusher needs.  Additionally, the forecasted rain is seen as stabilizing and potentially increasing soybean yields in the northern production areasm” .

From my observation, Favorable weather and a “clear-cut” recovery in soybeans  yields and output will probably result in price pressure, with lows in September or October,the price soybeans oil is predicted to a continuous fall in the coming month,so I decide to invest in another grain item.

How to make a successful trading?

Before I made my decision to choose which items to buy next time, I will ask myself the following question:

1.My trading process focused on a long or short time frame?

2.Do my trading process recognize the market trend? Trading with the trend is a core strategy for futures traders.

To be a successful futures and options trader, it is necessary for we to assum a business risk with the hope of profiting from market fluctuations, such as analyzing situations, predicting outcomes, and putting your money on one side of a trade based on which way you think the market is going to go, up or down.

So, we need to make effort to become connected with the world through the Internet, television, and other news sources so you can be up-to-date regard to world events.

Everything is hard in the beginning. Although I am still a green hand in Future trading game, I prepared and ready to learn how this dynamic market works.My goal is to learn to make a diversified portfolio of futures contracts and not to end up losing my capital and leave poorer and disappointed.