“E-cigarettes: Kodak Moment”

Within the recent classes, we have all become familiar with Kodak and their failure to realize the camera market’s shift from film to digital. This late realization has resulted in a huge consequence to the company and their sales. Has the time come for companies within the cigarette market to decide whether or not to make the switch from the traditional cigarette to the e-cigarette?

The e-cigarette is a device that allows the consumer to vaporize a solution containing nicotine without the toxins from burning tobacco. Opinions vary over the health benefits/risks that are tied into e-cigarettes and whether or not they offer a healthier alternative to the traditional cigarette. In my personal opinion, e-cigarettes are the future of smoking. We live in the digital age where more and more everyday tasks have transitioned from the traditional into the modern. Reading, shopping, music and countless other things have transitioned into the digital market. It is time for the cigarette companies to bring about innovative change into their market for fear of a new substitute product to emerge in future years. Don’t realize the “Kodak Moment” when it’s too late.

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