RE: Fast Food Giant Revamping their Products.


In response to Wayne’s blog post (, I have also noticed the changes McDonalds have recently made. Although McDonalds are easily accessible and affordable, many health conscious people try to avoid these fast food restaurants as much as possible. It is evident to everyone that eating these fatty foods on a regular basis very unhealthy. In the recent year, the news have especially been focusing and the health and nutritious values that foods may bring and McDonalds have caught on the flow. As a result, McDonalds has re-positioned their brand from a fast food restaurant to one that also offers healthy food choices. McDonalds have introduced products such as Premium Salads, McWraps, egg white Mcmuffin and various fruit smoothies for consumers that are more health conscious.  I agree with Wayne that by introducing these new products, it gives McDonalds many points of differences and being able to separate themselves as “just another fast food company”. It was a smart move by McDonalds as they have now captured a bigger target market with these new “healthy” products but still carrying its traditional menu which gives the customers more choices.


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