Advertisements Revolutionized

Recently, I received my album ordered from Korea. The first thing I noticed when I opened the album pamphlet was the QR codes scattered throughout. When I scanned them, they led me to hidden videoclips and extra footages.

This surprise led me to wonder just how far technology had come. In class, we learned that IT has been accounted for as 50% of expenditures around the world and is worth over 3 ½ trillions. QR code, among others, is one of the new, tech-driven marketing tactics.

QR Code

We are all used to advertisement on billboards and social media, but new technology has enabled us to advertise in the wildest way. In the article, companies put a QR code on their roof so that satellite imaging can help advertise their code to users (e.g. Google Earth). When users scan the QR code, they’ll be linked to the company’s websites.

QR Code on Rooftop

In this way, QR codes can be used for sharing insights. They can also collect data about who links to the site (Measurement). From those collected information, they can identify the potential target market by pooling the results of the data (Experimentation).

It makes me wonder: how much farther can technology and telecommunications go?





4 thoughts on “Advertisements Revolutionized

  1. Hi Vivian
    I went to Korea this summer and found a lot of advanced technology
    like the QR code you are talking about. I was searching through my dads wallet and found a blank business card with QR code. I asked my dad and he showed me by scanning the QR Code with his phone and all the information about him poped up!
    Unfortuneately, I found that people in korea are very impatient and wants answers instantly without having to take out the phone to scan the QR Code. What do u think?

    • Well, it’s very easy and not time-consuming at all to scan QR codes with phones. And it is a fresh new concept. I know I had fun scanning all those QR codes! I think people are fascinated whenever new technology they have never used is being used right in front of them. So I think IT in advertising is still very attractive. By the way, a business card with a QR code? That is too cool! You will probably remember that person forever.

      P.S. How was Night Class?

      • Yeah i definately find QR codes very interesting and attention grabbing. Not only QR codes were used as business cards but also form of advertisement. Also because most koreans have smart phones with infinite use of 3g, the QR codes takes u straight to websites with more info.

        P.S. I ll tell u more about it next time i see u. If TA sees this she/he going to think we are not working hard enough 😀

  2. Pingback: Re:Advertisements Revolutionized | JaeMinKim's Blog

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