Archive for February, 2011

Techno Era?

Thursday, February 24th, 2011

My friend Riki’s blog on the Post-Consumer Era elaborated on the growth of value-based marketing through a well explained diagram (shown below). He touched upon how marketing has grown throughout the ages – from mass production and marketing in the pre-consumer era to an era of careful decision making by consumers and strategic value development, […]

Have a McHappy Day!

Thursday, February 10th, 2011

The golden arch. I wouldn’t say that I’m a complete loyal advocate of their mcfattening meals, but I won’t deny that I like the occasional Big Mac, medium fries, and large Coke (maybe throw in 6 pieces of  McNuggets as well). It’s cheap, tasty, and extremely convenient. What’s more – their marketing strategies are amazing. […]

What a girl wants? What a girl needs?

Thursday, February 3rd, 2011

Sigh. As I was looking through a friend’s marketing blog on Diamonds, my feminine instincts got me surfing through Youtube, watching videos of Tiffany & Co. promoting their beautiful, sparkling jewels. From their signature turquoise boxes to their gorgeous models, they’re capable of capturing every girl’s inner desire for the one and only: diamonds. Like […]

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