Hello World, it’s Vivian!

Hello indeed.

My first blog to be ever created, amusingly created due to the requirements of my COMM 296 class. Nonetheless, I’m somewhat glad that I was assigned this, as it finally gives me the motivation to create a blog and, well, write. Let’s hope laziness doesn’t kick in and I can continue to write in this blog, marketing-related or not, after this course.

After a nice “hello”, I would think that it is only polite to give a brief introduction of myself (but then again, I might be just talking to myself…).

My name is Vivian, a second year Sauder student at UBC with an unknown major. Born in Hong Kong, I immigrated to the cozy (and far) city of Coquitlam, B.C. with my family when I was four years old. Since then, I’ve never moved a single bit. Don’t get me wrong, I love traveling to different countries and going to new places, but I also love staying at home, laying on the coach with a cup of hot milk tea, chips, and Korean drama playing on my laptop. Bipolar personality? Not so much. Versatile? Probably.

There are many things that I value, but my family and relationships with other people are top on the list. I don’t think I would be who I am today without the people in my life, those that are still there and those that have gone. I learned that people come and go and they all leave a mark, but through time, those who manage to stay prove to be most valuable.

That may be the top on the list, but coming to a close second is the big F word. Yes, you guessed it. Food. If you know me personally, perhaps you already knew this word was bound to come up on my blog post sooner or later. My love and ultimate passion for food is undeniably famous. As well as my weight. Just kidding. I don’t particularly know if this is a good thing or not, but at least I’m famous for something.

To wrap it up, I’m excited to find out what I will learn from this COMM 296 course. From my readings and lectures so far, marketing seems more than just “hard selling by salespeople in stores”. Perhaps I’ll see marketing in a completely new light and discover a hidden passion for it. Or, I might think that other options seem more suitable for me. Who really knows? Surprise me.

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