Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

Join the fight.

Wednesday, April 6th, 2011

During the end of March and April of last year and this year, I was lucky to be involved with the Daffodil Day Campaign of the Canadian Cancer Society. Newly developed, this campaign raises awareness and strives to unite the community to fight back against cancer during the month of April, with April 27th as […]

HMV Canada: Starting Fresh

Thursday, March 31st, 2011

After reading an article on Canadian Business Online, “HMV Canada to remodel stores with bigger range of products, new interactive feel”, I was quite interested in HMV’s recent repositioning for the Canada division. As the trend for online downloading and Internet streaming skyrocketed over the past decades, the music business has been stuck in a […]

“Stop having a boring life!”

Thursday, March 24th, 2011

My life got a little more exciting after watching the following commercial in COMM 296 today: Only a very small and simple device to chop up your food, yet it is that much more appealing. I actually want to purchase one after watching this infomercial. Why is that? First of all, the entire commercial was […]

The skinnier, the better?

Thursday, March 17th, 2011

What is this ad really saying? According to this article, PepsiCo is really stirring up problems with their new “skinny can” Diet Pepsi. Although Pepsi is seemingly promoting the image of beautiful confident women, “critics say the packaging just reinforces dangerous stereotypes that women must resemble beanpoles to be attractive.” PepsiCo is re-positioning its Diet […]

Failblog: Targeting Failure?

Thursday, March 10th, 2011

Just when you thought that you can’t get any better than the classic Nike shoes, think again. Perhaps as a way to differentiate itself from head-to-head competitor, Adidas, Nike decides to target a whole new segment with a new product line, a method of diversification. As AdFreak describes in its blog, Nike’s new line of […]

My Idols: The Disney Princesses

Thursday, March 3rd, 2011

Every child has an idol to look up to, whether it be their parents, celebrities, or public figures. For me? I look up to them: The Disney Princesses. How Stuff Works is equivalent to the second Wikipedia, but more in depth and with more explanations. I came upon this article, describing Disney’s marketing strategies for […]

Techno Era?

Thursday, February 24th, 2011

My friend Riki’s blog on the Post-Consumer Era elaborated on the growth of value-based marketing through a well explained diagram (shown below). He touched upon how marketing has grown throughout the ages – from mass production and marketing in the pre-consumer era to an era of careful decision making by consumers and strategic value development, […]

Have a McHappy Day!

Thursday, February 10th, 2011

The golden arch. I wouldn’t say that I’m a complete loyal advocate of their mcfattening meals, but I won’t deny that I like the occasional Big Mac, medium fries, and large Coke (maybe throw in 6 pieces of  McNuggets as well). It’s cheap, tasty, and extremely convenient. What’s more – their marketing strategies are amazing. […]

What a girl wants? What a girl needs?

Thursday, February 3rd, 2011

Sigh. As I was looking through a friend’s marketing blog on Diamonds, my feminine instincts got me surfing through Youtube, watching videos of Tiffany & Co. promoting their beautiful, sparkling jewels. From their signature turquoise boxes to their gorgeous models, they’re capable of capturing every girl’s inner desire for the one and only: diamonds. Like […]

Want a date? Get a Blenz coffee.

Sunday, January 23rd, 2011

Last Thursday night, UBC’s International Business Club held their signature event, World’s Cities Night, at Eh! Restaurant in Downtown Vancouver. The International Business Club (check out their cool new website here!: ( aims to connect the global business world with the entire UBC student body, and World’s Cities Night gave UBC students the excellent opportunity […]

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