Succeeding in the New World of Social Media- External Blog Post


Jon Loomer, the “Facebook Marketing Guru”, has written blog posts on utilizing the Facebook platform to generate higher traffic to websites. He is an expert in the creating effective Facebook ad reports and custom audiences for multiple websites.  Jon Loomer is a pioneer in social media consulting but I believe his true business model is the proven formula of building brand and developing a strong value proposition.


Mr. Loomer has a fascinating personal story of success and perseverance.  After several lay-offs and struggles in the corporate world, he found a way to redefine himself and create a self-sustaining business.  He leveraged his knowledge of the Facebook platform and branded himself as an expert.  His business was successful because he developed a value proposition around his brand to meet a very specific need in the market.  By identifying a specific target segment, showcasing his brand and expertise, and demonstrating how he can bring a point of difference to benefit that segment, he showed that he can add value to potential clients.


Mr. Loomer’s story taught me that you do not need to have a large capital base to start a successful business, and need not follow the traditional path of climbing a corporate ladder.  The key to success is hard work and creating a value proposition to fulfill a niche in the market.



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