When Will Women Earn Respect in Boardrooms?



Arlene Dickinson leading the way for women in boardrooms

Arlene Dickinson leading the way for women in boardrooms

Today, it is surprising to see that we still struggle with gender equality issues.  With increasing number of women entering business schools, we would expect more women in the boardrooms of America.  However, it seems that Corporate America has not moved into the 21st century.  The Old Boys Club is still strong and thriving.


In time, this tide will turn based on two influential forces.  First, market forces will elevate the role of women in the corporate boardrooms.  Although women make up 50% of the consumer market, they actually do more than half of the buying.  If businesses are to appeal to this market segment, it will need women leaders to relate to these consumers.


The second force is the attitude of women.  I do not believe that women can be legislated into the corporate boardrooms. Governments are mandating gender equality legislation.  Governments are setting quotas for companies to hire based on sex, ethnic diversity, and disability.  Women should not expect this kind of advantage to secure the corner office.  If women want to earn the respect of the corporate world, they need to perform.  I believe that women can add value and boost corporate bottom lines.  Women will enhance collective intelligence by bringing a different perspective.

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