Laying Down the Road to Prosperity of Tomorrow

Natives from the Yinka Dene Alliance protest the Northern Gateway Pipeline project

Natives from the Yinka Dene Alliance protest the Northern Gateway Pipeline project

Canada has enjoyed significant economic growth and prosperity because of its established financial infrastructure and stable geopolitical environment.  Our banking, communication and transportation systems, and stable democracy allow commerce to thrive.  However, the issue of First Nation rights may significantly alter the stable geopolitical environment.   Sound business decisions cannot be made with pending uncertainty surrounding land claims.  Decisions on BC Hydro’s Megaproject, the Northern Gateway Pipeline, and the Taseko Gold Mine project can be stalled for years.


Business leaders may feel undue frustration in the slow negotiations of land claims.  Their well-devised business plans are not carried out due to forces out of their control.    Business leaders need to understand that in order to thrive, they need to address more than the traditional issues of supply chain, distribution channels and marketing.  They also need to consider societal and cultural trends, political uncertainty, and First Nation land claims.  Furthermore, they need to address the concern of all stakeholders as argued by Edward Freeman.  The regulators, First Nations people, and environmentalist are just as much a stakeholder as the shareholders and creditors.


Our forefathers laid down the road by developing transportation and banking systems, which benefit businesses today.  The business leaders of today need to make sacrifices by negotiating land claims and addressing environmental issues for the benefit of tomorrow’s business leaders.



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