Module 9

Apologies for the late post for the my reflection on the week. I went to a wedding yesterday afternoon which, in combination with the preparation for said wedding (including a last-minute haircut) occupied much of my Friday and Saturday time. But I digress! After the creative and inspiring summative presentations in Friday’s class, I feel like I need some sort of theme for updating everyone on my learning journey. So! I created a timeline. You can read more details by clicking on the individual “events” or switching to text view:


3 thoughts on “Module 9

  1. Wow! Charlotte, your timeline is amazing. I hope you are going to share this with the class. What a great way to re-cap an experience and make sense of it over time. I love it that you are inspired to try something new for the final project. I hope taking a breather this weekend is helping to allow new ideas to surface. I have been reading about the definition of ICT in education and continue to be stunned by the lack of appreciation of the magnitude of change, and the difficulties these changes entail, that are being asked of teachers. It all seems so cavalier. And yet it is necessary for teachers to engage. They cannot ignore or pretend it isn’t part of what they do.

  2. Charlotte, I really liked your timeline too! What did you use to make it? I love how your thoughts are visually presented in chronological order. It`s a great way to document your learning and thought process. It has great potential for classroom application. I can see it being used for students to document their project progress and setting their personal goals. Have you used it in your classroom before? If so, how did it turn out? If you haven`t done your 10 Minutes of Fame yet, I think it would be a perfect topic.

    I hope you haven’t been too stressed out about deciding on a project or topic. Choose something applicable to your teaching or something realistic that you can do. Grand ideas are wonderful and all, but if no action is done…the idea just dies. I’m trying not to be too cliche, but “think globally, act locally”. A small simple act can cause big changes. I’m sure whatever you decide to do, will be a great and inspiring. Let’s keep going! 🙂

    • Hey Sandy! I used Timetoast. I’ve never used it in the classroom, but I agree it would be useful for students tracking progress or setting goals for an assignment.

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