Bingo Ice breaker

This bingo game is an ice-breaker activity to use in my drafting class. The goal of this activity is to foster social and emotional learning by creating a sense of community in the class. The bingo grid can be altered to include all my students by including an ability they are good at.

The idea for this bingo activity was given to me by Mr. Garry Patter From New-Westminster Secondary


Skills Bingo

Directions: Each blank contains a skill that could apply to someone in the class. Mingle with your classmates and find people who have a skill listed below and get them to sign in the space provided below the skill. A person can only sign your sheet twice!! When you complete the whole sheet write your name on the top of the sheet and return it to your instructor.

Is artistic.


Is computer literate.


Has good people skills.


Can touch type.


Has good communication skills.


Can ride a bike.


Is a good proofreader.


Has good sales skills.


Is a competent baker.


Has construction skills.


Can operate a 3D printer.


Is competent with science apparatus.



Has traveled to Europe.


Has a boat license.


Is certified to perform first aid.


Play a lot of video games.


Can operate a photocopier.


Knows how to create a web page.


Knows something about cars.


Has basic accounting skills.


Plays a musical instrument.


Can operate a cash register.


Is a good writer.


Can act.
