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A heroic story of how Democracy was lost and found

In December in Wukan, China, corrupted officials were driven out of town. It is a heart-warming and hopeful story of how democracy was lost and found again, through a revolution by members of this small fishing village. In replacement of the old corrupted officials, a ““Civilized election, fair competition” and “Obeying the law” was held yesterday. As New York Times reported,

“More than 6,000 of the town’s 8,000 eligible voters trooped to a makeshift election center at the village school and chose a new village council to replace the old one, disbanded amid allegations of land fraud. They filled out pink ballots in rows of plywood booths that ensured their choices would remain secret, then dropped them in big steel boxes sealed with tamper-proof stickers. Officials tallied the votes in the schoolyard as residents looked on.

It is encouraging to see such a united effort to restore democracy, the rule of law, and fair elections. Sure enough, as the title of the New York Times article suggests, this will probably NOT change how China as a nation conduct it’s affairs. However, the acknowledgement of this democratic reward is the first step to advance into a more democratic nation.

The villagers tallying up the votes



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