Week 5 – Road Ahead

Be confident in my speculation! Don’t have too many second thoughts and try taking some small risks by investing in two-three contracts.

Close monitor of changes in market sentiments, and global supply and demand helps improve my strategy on trading

I will not trade on long term basis for my short/long position contracts, since there are many market uncertainties.. I would rather trade on weekdays going in and out of the market before TradeSim System stops trading on weekends.

I should also consider upgrading my cellular to a smartphone for updates on price quotes on a more regular basis. This keeps me in sync with the market.

With the lag in the tradeSim system in executing my contracts, I should invest few hours in advance before any price change takes place that affect my position value, causing unnecessary losses.

This past week, December wheat prices rose from a low of $846.6 to $860.20. Similarly, corn prices rose from a low of $626.3 to $634.6. I think prices for wheat and corn will trend down at the beginning of this coming week. Therefore, for next week or so, I will stick with short on wheat and/or short on corn in the first three days. Later on, depending on the market situation  I might stay on or change my position to long again.


October 21, 2012Permalink 1 Comment

One thought on “Week 5 – Road Ahead

  1. Just for clarification, TradeSim takes an order only during the market hour. As your trading is based on Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT), TradeSim operates based on the CBOT market hour: from 9:30 am to 2 pm.
    Enjoyed reading. Hope you gain big this week. Appreciate your work.

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