Literature Review: Sources



[1] Catherine Clement and Denise Rudnicki, Connections and Engagement: A survey of Metro Vancouver, (Vancouver Foundation 2012), 5.

[2] LifeView: HSBC study reveals Canada’s warm welcome, Immigration Canada, accessed January 11, 2013.

[3] Gillian Shaw, “Vancouver home to Canada’s social media addicts,” Vancouver Sun, November 23, 2010.

[4] Clement and Rudnicki, “Connections and Engagement survey and report”

[5] Catherine Clement, personal interview, October 23, 2012

[6] Elvin Wyly, Jamie Peck and Elliot Siemiatycki, “Vancouver’s Suburban Involution,” (Paper presented at the Association of  American Geographers Annual Meeting, New York, New York, February 24, 2012)


[7] Thomas H. Mawson, “Vancouver: a city of optimists” Town Planning Review (1913): 7.

[8] Jeffrey Hou (ed.), Insurgent Public Space: Guerilla Urbanism and the Remaking of Contemporary Cities, (New York: Routledge, 2010) 227. 2000)

[9] Lineu Castello, Rethinking the Meaning of Place: Conceiving Place in Architecture-Urbanism (London: Ashgate Publishing, 2010) 2.

[10] Peter Newman and Isabella Jennings, Cities as Sustainable Ecosystems: Principles and Practices. (Washington D.C.: Island Press, 2008), 145.

[11] Andrew Pask “Public Space Activism, Toronto and Vancouver” Insurgent Public Space: Guerilla Urbanism and the Remaking of Contemporary Cities, ed. Jeffrey Hou (New York: Routledge, 2010), 238.

[12] Hou, Insurgent Public Space, 6.

[13] Richard Sennet, The Fall of Public Man, (New York: Knopf, 1977), 14.

[14] Margaret Kohn, Brave New Neighborhoods: The Privatization of Public Space (New York: Routledge, 2004), 38.

[15] Benjamin Barber, “Mailed, Mauled and Overhauled: Arresting suburban malls by transforming suburban malls into usable civic space,” in Public Space and Democracy ed. Marcel Henaff and Tracy B. Strong (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2001), 206.

[16] Jan Gehl et al., New City Life (Copenhagen: Danish Architectural Press, 2006) 172.

[17] Ash Amin and Nigel Thrift, Cities: Reimagining the Urban (Cambridge: Polity, 2002), 30.

[18] Amin and Thrift, Cities, 44.

[19] Amin and Thrift, Cities.,46.

[20] Amin and Thrift Cities: Reimagining the Urban, 30.

[21] Wyly, Peck and Siemiatycki, “Vancouver’s Suburban Involution,” 2.

[22] Douglas Coupland, City of Glass: Douglas Coupland’s Vancouver (Vancouver: Douglas & McIntyre, 2009), 106.

[23] Lance Berelowitz, Dream City: Vancouver and the Global Imagination (Vancouver: Douglas & McIntyre, 2005), 227.

[24] Carolyn Kellog, “’La-La Land’, Now the dictionary definition of Los Angeles.” Los Angeles Times, March 25, 2011, accessed April 13, 2013

[25] Rachel Ray, ‘The Origins of Lotus Land,”, July 10, 2012, accessed March 25, 2013

[26] “Homer, Odyssey 9”accessed April 13, 2013’

[27] Chris Robinson, “Are you a Lotus Eater?,” Island Times Magazine, accessed April 13, 2013

[28] Berelowitz, Dream City, 161.

[29] Berelowitz, Dream City, 163.

[30] Berelowitz, Dream City, 163.

[31] Berelowitz, Dream City, 164.

[32] Shane Czypyha, Personal interview, April 15, 2013

[33] Shane Czypyha, Walking City: The Transformative Role of Pedestrians in Public Space (Architechtural thesis, University of Waterloo, 2010), 3.

[34] Czypyha, Walking City, 15.

[35] Berelowitz, Dream City, 243.

[36] Berelowitz, Dream City, 128.

[37] Berelowitz, Dream City, 130.

[38] “Definitions of Social Capital,” Social Capital Research, accessed April 4, 2012,

[39] Robert Putnam, Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community (New York: Simon & Shuster, 2000), 16.

[40] Alejandro Portes, “Social Capital: Its Origins and Applications in Modern Sociology,” Annual Review of Sociology 24 (1998): 1-24.

[41] Putnam, Bowling Alone, 18.

[42] Emile Durkheim, The Division of Labour in Society. trans. Lewis A. Coser, 1984 (New York: Free Press, 1893), 39.

[43] Portes,  “Social Capital: Its Origins and Applications in Modern Sociology,” 6.

[44] Portes,  “Social Capital: Its Origins and Applications in Modern Sociology,” 7.

[45] Pierre Bourdieu, ‘The Forms of Capital,” in Handbook of Theory and Research for the Sociology of Education, ed. John G Richardson. (New York: Greenwood Press, 1986), 241.

[46] Bourdieu, “The Forms of Capital,” 242.

[47] James Coleman, ”Social capital in the creation of human capital.” American Journal of Sociology 94 (1988), s95.

[48] Coleman, “Social capital in the creation of human capital.” s97.

[49] Portes, “Social Capital: Its Origins and Applications in Modern Sociology,” 4.

[50] Putnam, Bowling Alone,  20

[51] Robert Putnam, Robert Leonardi and Raffaella Y Nanetti, Making Democracy Work: Civic Traditions in Modern Italy. (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1993), 168.

[52] Putnam, Bowling Alone, 19.

[53] Putnam, Bowling Alone, 20.

[54] Putnam, Bowling Alone, 284.

[55] Paldam, Martin, and Gert Tinggaard Svendsen. “An Essay on Social Capital: Looking for the Fire Behind the Smoke.” European Journal of Political Economy 16 (2000): 340.

[56] Alejandro Portes, “Two Meanings of Social Capital” Sociological forum, 15 (2000), 1.

[57] Portes, “Social Capital: Its Origins and Applications in Modern Sociology,” 12.

[58] Putnam, Bowling Alone, 22.

[59] Mark S. Granovetter, “The Strength of Weak Ties” Annual Review of Sociology 78 (1973): 1362.

[60] Portes, “Social Capital: Its Origins and Applications in Modern Sociology,” 21.

[61] Leonie Sandercock, Towards Cosmopolis: Planning for Multi-cultural Cities, (Toronto: John Wiley & Sons Canada, 1997), 3.

[62] Douglas Todd,  “Mapping our ethnicity, part 2: China Comes to Richmond. The Vancouver Sun, May, 2, 2012

[63] Clement and Rudnicki, “Connections and Engagement,”19.

[64] Putnam, Bowling Alone, 149.

[65] Clement and Rudnicki, ”Connections and Engagement,” 7.

[66] Portes, “Social Capital: Its Origins and Applications in Modern Sociology,” 21.

[67] Portes,. “Social Capital: Its Origins and Applications in Modern Sociology,” 18.

[68] Douglas Todd,  “Mapping our Ethnicity, part 2: China Comes to Richmond. The Vancouver Sun, May, 2, 2012.

[69] Douglas Todd,  “Mapping our ethnicity, part 3: Family, church important to Filipinos. The Vancouver Sun, May, 2, 2012.

[70] Taylor Orton, ‘”Filipinos Want Vancouver Designated ‘Pinoy Town” 24 Hours Vancouver, January 3, 2012.

[71] Putnam, Bowling Alone, 368.

[72] Putnam, Bowling Alone, 368.

[73] Putnam, Bowling Alone, 381.

[74] Stephen Marchie, “Is Facebook Making Us Lonely? The Atlantic Monthly, April 2, 2012.

[75] Gillian Shaw, “Vancouver, Home to Canada’s Social Media Addicts”, Vancouver Sun, November 23, 2010

[76] Clement and Rudnicki, “Connections and Engagement,” 7.

[77] Portes, “Social Capital: Its Origins and Applications in Modern Sociology,” 23.

[78] Katherine Ashenburg, “Do Vancouver Men Suck,” Vancouver Magazine, January 1, 2012.

[79] Jorge Amigo, “Do Vancouver Women Suck, a readers rebuttal,” Vancouver Magazine, January 9, 2012.

[80]  Tara Carman, “Growing Apart, Part 1: A Community of Strangers,” The Vancouver Sun, June 21, 2012.

[81]  Tara Carman, “Growing Apart, Part 2: Friendships: A Tough Place to Make Connections,” The Vancouver Sun, June 21, 2012.

[82]  Tara Carman, “Growing Apart, Part 3: Neighbourhoods: Polite But Indifferent,” The Vancouver Sun, June 22, 2012.

[83] Tara Carman, Growing Apart, Part. 4: Residents feel Metro Divided Along Ethnic Lines, Survey finds,” The Vancouver Sun, June 21, 2012.

[84] Todd, “Mapping Our Ethnicity, Part 1,” May 2, 2012.

[85] Todd, “Mapping Our Ethnicity, Part 1,“ May 2, 2012.

[86] Douglas Todd,  “Mapping Our Ethnicity, Part 3: Family, Church, Important to Filipinos.” The Vancouver Sun, May 2, 2012.

[87] Todd,  “Mapping Our Ethnicity, Part 3,” May 2, 2012.

[88] Ashenburg ,“Do Vancouver Men Suck,” January 9, 2012.

[89] Carman “Growing Apart, Part 2,” June 21, 2012.

[90] Gillian Shaw, “Vancouver home to Canada’s Social Media addicts” Vancouver Sun, November 23rd 2012,

[91] Putnam, “Diversity and Community in the Twenty-first Century,” 148.

[92] Putnam, “Diversity and Community in the Twenty-First Century,” 149.

[93] Putnam, Diversity and Community in the Twenty-first Century,” 149.

[94] Alejandro Portes and Erik Vikstrom, “Diversity, Social Capital, and Cohesion,” Annual Revue of Sociology. 37 (2011): 463.

[95] Douglas Todd,  “Mapping our ethnicity, Part 2: Chinese in Richmond.” The Vancouver Sun, May 2, 2012.

[96] Clement and Rudnicki, “Connections and Engagement survey and report.”

[97] Putnam, Diversity and Community in the Twenty-First Century,” 141.

[98] Portes and Vikstrom, “Diversity, Social Capital, and Cohesion,” 463.

[99] Newman and Jennings; Cities as Sustainable Ecosystems, 46.

[100] Frances Bula, “Vancouver’s Vacancies Point to Investors, Not Residents,” The Globe and Mail, March 20, 2013.

[101] Bula, “Vancouver’s Vacancies Point to Investors, Not Residents,” March 20, 2013.

[102] Wyly, Peck and Siemiatycki, “Vancouver’s Suburban Involution,” 14.

[103] Wyly, Peck and Siemiatycki, “Vancouver’s Suburban Involution,” 15.

[104] Wyly, Peck and Siemiatycki, “Vancouver’s Suburban Involution,” 14.

[105] Carman, “Growing Apart, Part 1,” June 21, 2012.

[106] Carman, “Growing Apart, Part 3,” June 22, 2012.

[107] Carman, “Growing Apart, Part 5,” June 22, 2012.

[108] Carman, “Growing Apart, Part 5, “ June 22, 2012.

[109] Portes,” Social Capital: Its Origins and Applications in Modern Sociology,”22.

[110] The Economist livability ranking: Melbourne storm.” The Economist, accessed April 4, 2013,

[111] “Mercer quality of living ranking highlights.” Mercer. Accessed April 4, 2013,


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