Last words?: My GIS expertise and the overall experience

There is no easy way to be descriptive about what I had learned and accomplished in this course because there are many and, to me, this is still an ongoing development I hope to pursuit. But since such summary is needed to capture my journey through this course, it would be that I am confident in my expertise and ability to take on any GIS analysis project in the future, let it be for social geography or environmental assessment. To work on the project from scratch to the last page of my analysis report (finding necessary datasets, making decision on the option of tools to operate in ArcGIS and creating comprehensible maps as the visualized representatives of the result) is what I am now capable of doing, and it is all thanks to this GEOB270 course, the wonderful professor Sally Hermansen and great support throughout the term from the TAs, Wes and Tobias. I shall not take credit for the potential accomplishment all to myself, but to always remember the people who enable my potential to accomplish so. Thankyou!


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